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小编: 8732
摘要:南京学校 汤陈晨

20143月15日 雅思口语考试考情评析




   在南京东南大学考场,笔试为315日的部分考生被安排在317日考口语。很多考生习惯笔试当天,或后一天周日的口语考试时间。雅思官方对口语考试时间安排官方说法为:The Speaking test may be on the same day or up to seven days before or after the other tests. 所以各位烤鸭,千万记得考试前一周去报名的官网确认口语考试时间。考试当天提前半小时进场。错过口语考试,是拿不到最后成绩单的哦。




1. Where do you usually do your shopping?

2. Do you enjoy shopping in big shopping malls (big shopping centres)?  

3. Why some people don’t like shopping?

4. What do you feel about the trend of the fashion?


1. What sports do you like? (Why?)  

2. What sports do Chinese people like?

3. Did you like (to play) sport when you were a child?  

4. What’s the amount of exercise that modern people do?


Describe a past experience that had positive influence on you

You should say:  

when it was  

who were involved  

what happened  

and explain why it had some positive influence on you.    


Discussion Questions

1. What changes are there with the fast development of cities?

2. What are the changes of people’s roles in society?

3. What are the changes of old people’s attitudes toward children?  




1. Where do you usually do your shopping?

I usually go to nearby supermarkets to buy both daily necessities and clothes. I don’t like spending too much time shopping. Occasionally, I would also shop online and I think it’s pretty convenient.  

2. Do you enjoy shopping in big shopping malls (big shopping centres)?

Yes, I do. There’re usually a variety of products and brands available there. And the service is good. If you don’t like something you have bought, you can ask for a refund, but usually you can’t do that at a smaller shop.

3. Why some people don’t like shopping?

Shopping is usually time-consuming and shopping centers are always full of people, so some people might feel dizzy and uncomfortable when they go to such places. Sometimes too many choices can also make people feel hard to make decisions. So this might also make people feel reluctant to shop.  

4. What do you feel about the trend of the fashion?

I think it’s nice because people would always try to follow the trend and they would make a lot of changes accordingly. Fashion can add more spice and sparkles to our life. However, fashionable things may not be suitable for everyone, so we shouldn’t follow fashion blindly.  


1.What sports do you like? (Why?)

I like many different kinds of sports, badminton, tennis, and volleyball. I think it’s a good way for me to stretch my muscles and make friends. I would sometimes go to the university campus near my home to do these sports.

2. What sports do Chinese people like?

Boys may like basketball and football more, but the rest of the sports are both good for men and women, such as badminton, tennis, and volleyball. I like playing them a lot.

3. Did you like (to play) sport when you were a child?

Yes, I did. When I was a child, I was more active and would always play some sports with my friends on our school playground, even after school. I think it’s good for children to do some exercise.

4. What’s the amount of exercise that modern people do?

A lot of people care about their physical health and would go to fitness centers or do outdoor activities regularly. However, a lot of others also tend to stay at home more and might be too lazy to work out regularly. It’s really bad for their health. I think the government should build more public fitness facilities to encourage everybody to exercise.  


Sample Answer

There’re so many things happening in life and some of them can give us very important and positive influence. I want to talk about the experience of passing a PE test in high school, which gave me very positive influence.

I still remember, when I was in high school, our PE final examination was to finish eight hundred meters’ running in four minutes. At the beginning of the semester, we had a try and a lot of students failed to achieve it in such short time. I didn’t exercise very often at that time, so I failed too. From then on, because of the pressure of failing a test, I began to practice everyday. I would run on the school track every evening with my roommates because I lived in the dorm at that time. After practicing for about two months, I finally past the final PE test without any difficulty. I felt proud of myself. This experience had very positive influence on me.

Now whenever I face difficulties, I’ll always remind myself that everything will be fine because I had achieved something after my hard work. Life is not always easy. Sometimes, we might have some difficulties. If we don’t give up and keep trying, we’ll be able to conquer a lot of challenges.


1. What changes are there with the fast development of cities?

There are some good changes, for example, there are more and more leisure facilities such as the shopping mall, the KTV and the fitness club. People can relax and enjoy themselves more easily than before. However, it also has some bad change, for example, the rapid development leads to the boom of cars, and it always has traffic jam when go to work or school.  

2. What are the changes of people’s roles in society?

In China, I think people’ roles have changed a bit. In ancient China, women cannot go to school to accept education, so they don’t have a chance to go out to work. But nowadays, with the development of the society, women also play an important role in the society. They are patient, and careful than men to some extent, so they can do different work which is better for the resource allocation of the society.

3. What are the changes of old people’s attitudes toward children?

I think old people spoil children badly nowadays. Maybe it is because that there are fewer children in a family, usually one child in one family, so old people do not treat them seriously, but always agree with the child’s request. Sometimes, old people say children now are not as polite as before, but one of the reasons is that they spoil children too much.





follow the trend

make a lot of changes accordingly

add more spice and sparkles

stretch my muscles and make friends

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