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小编: 846



  吴 婧




  Topic: study, boat, party, house,sleeping

  1.Do you like to go to parties?

  2.Is there anything you dislike about parties?

  3.what do you do when you get together with your friends?


Describe a sports event that you took part in or watched  

You should say:

  - what the event was (or, what the sport was)

  - where it was

  - who was competing

- what you did during this competition

  and explain how you felt about this event.


  1.Why do you think many countries try hard to become the host country for the Olympic Games?



  1.Do you like to go to parties?

  Yes, I like to go to parties to drink and hang out with my friends and every once in a while get to know new friends. I like parties also because it’s a great excuse to have tons of snacks.

  2.Is there anything you dislike about parties?

  I don’t like parties because I really don’t know what to do with myself. Someone always tells me to “loosen up” and “just be myself” and I always reply that I am naturally stodgy墨守成规的 and wooden! I also don’t like parties because I have difficulties picking out only one conversation from the din吵闹声.

  3.what do you do when you get together with your friends?

  Whenever I hang out with my friends, we usually chat a lot and go mad. We keep on laughing at silly things and make fun of each other and ourselves. We share things about our school life and all our sweet memories.


  Sample Answer

  I love to play badminton especially in the summer time. It is a game I really enjoy, so play it whenever I can get a willing partner. It is a lot like tennis, but I can play badminton anywhere. I do not have to go to a tennis court to play and I can play in between classes without getting sweaty汗流浃背的.

  Badminton is played with rackets that look a lot like tennis rackets, but they are much more delicate. You should have a net, which sits high above the ground, and a ball that is called a birdie. The birdie has a small rubber half a ball on one end, and it fans out with feathers on the other end to help it to fly. A badminton court has a net in the center that stretches from side to side. Each side of the net has a square that the team mates play in. It is ideal to play badminton with four people, but you can play one on one as well. You can also play without points or a net, but I do not think it is as much fun.

  It is a game that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty of exercise playing badminton. The main reason I like the game is that everyone, man or woman, has an equal chance to compete. There are so many sports that require height or strength to be good; it is refreshing to play one that I have an equal opportunity to win. Maybe that is why I get very competitive and energetic when I play. I love the game; it is fun and rewarding, and I feel alive when playing.


  1.Why do you think many countries try hard to become the host country for the Olympic Games?

  I believe most of countries try hard to become the host country for the Olympic Games mainly to represent the outstanding status, to show their economic power, to symbolize their developed technology. If they will succeed in holding the Olympic Games, people from all over the world will come to this country to watch sports games and buy luxury souvenirs, so that to boot the economy of the country. Maybe it’s the reason for this situation.

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