小编:环球教育 283考试日期: | 2015年12月5日 |
Reading Passage 1 | |
Title | English Canals system(旧) |
Question types: | T/F/NG 5 Summary 3 Short Answers 5 |
文章大意 | 18世纪英国和欧洲的内河航运建设,古代欧洲和英国的造船系统。当时内河航运很兴盛,大多选择在运河旁边建设工厂,后来因为铁路和公路的出现而衰落了。 |
参考答案 | 1-5 T/F/NG 1. Sail in the narrow rivers T 2. NG 3. Merchant refused the construction F 4. 英国和欧洲的 canal founded are different F 5. One organization take actions to turn against the canals T 6-8 Summary-water lock …….hills open and close the sluice gates, 调节水位高低,因为要船外面和里面的水保持在equal level才能航行 9-14 short answer questions 9 什么地方发展运河最好?Northern English 10 什么地方不适合运河,应用失败?Agricultural regions 11 buyers of the unprofitable canals? Railway companies 12 问谁从中赚的最多?Speculators 13 为什么现在 canals 不行了?Roads |
文章分析 | 这篇是关于“英国运河系统”发展历史的说明文,有着明显的时间逻辑线。题型组合上属于较简单的搭配,全部考察对文中细节的把握。同类型同题型组合的文章,推荐阅读,剑4 Johnson’s Dictionary。 |
Reading Passage 2 | |
Title: | Play with Scientists(新) |
Question types: | List of Headings 7/8 Multiple Choice 2/5 Summary |
文章大意 | 在科学分析上的两方面 |
参考答案 | 略 |
文章分析 | 略 |
Reading Passage 3 | |
Title: | 员工管理分析(旧) |
Question types: | Multiple Choice 5 Matching 3 T/F/NG 6 |
文章大意 | 几种不同员工的需求以及激励他们的不同方式 |
参考答案 | 27-31 Multiple choice 27.第一段指出传统的研究“员工动力”方法存在什么缺陷 28. needs are basically all the same 29. A satisfaction of drive to acquire applies not only on materialistic thing 30. 关于四大需求中第三种需求 drive to comprehend 31. Drive to defend can explain the reason? 32-34 Matching 32. 四大需求中 the drive of acquire can cause employees to compare the salaries with colleagues. 33. the drive of acquire can cause employees to their job is not useful, they will resign 34. the drive of bond can cause employees to employees care more about the organization than about their 35-40 35. Two major students are for the relationship between material drive and motivation. Y 36. Fulfillment for the drive to comprehend impacts the employees’ commitment. N 37.对比global business 归属感,还是小公司对员工积极作用更大NG 38. the acquired NatWest suffered profit and went bankrupt due to problem in the rewarding Y 39. when the royal bank of Scotland and NatWest emerged, employees from the acquired NatWest had unexpected influence Y 40. only by increase their wages along, it can promote employee’s motivation N |
文章分析 | 这篇文章属于管理和心理类结合的文章,其中谈到了动机(motivation)、需求(need)、驱动力(drive)这些心理概念。题型考试是难度较大的多选、配对以及判断的组合形式,容易出错和失分,需要考生特别细心。相似题材文章,推荐阅读剑桥6上的motivating employees under adverse conditions。 |
整场考试分析 | 纵观整场考试,发现summary、multiple choice和T/F/NG题是考试的重点,list of heading和matching也有考到,学生要特别加强对这些题型的练习,同时也要关注其他题目。回顾10月和11月的考试,心理、发展历史和商业管理类文章频频出现,而在本次12月出的考试中再次出现,应当值得大家中式。最后,强烈建议各位准备充分的考生对积累相关语境和题材文章的高频词汇,以便在考场上最高效地答题。 |