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小编:张艳 185

2017年度艾美奖(Emmy Award)最佳女主角的获奖者------妮可.基德曼Nicole Kidman,因主演了新剧《BIG LITTLE LIES》,而同时这位惊艳了时光的大美人现如今已经成为了影视双栖大满贯赢家,一起来看看女神的获奖感言吧:

wow, thank you, thank you so much. Reese, I share this with you, without you I would not be standing up here. So Bruno and-- the greatest collaborators, you make this happen, thank you.

Thank you to the television academy for recognizing our show, for recognizing this performance. Thank you to HBO for never wavering in your belief in us.

注意本句中的never wavering in your belief in us的用法,显然比trust us这样的苍白无力的表达精彩多了。waver表示动摇,踌躇,waver in one's belief表示对某事左右摇摆不能立刻下决定,而never waver in 则从另一个角度更强烈的表达出这种信念。

Thank you to the extraordinary cast and crew that we had, to Laura, to Zoe, to Shay, to Alex and robin who were my intimate acting partners.

It all started with Liane Moriarty in Sydney, when she entrusted us with her book. Then David E Kelley came along and shaped it with his brilliant storytelling. And Jean-Marc Vallee, this is yours, your vision. You imbued this series with your passion, with your artistry.

imbue with灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见,试比较fill with,imbue更倾向于情感上的倾注,在这个语境里自然更胜一筹。

Thank you. I have a huge artistic family who have supported me through all of my ups and downs. I can't name all of them but Kevin, Susan and Chris, Wendy, Miranda, Katie, Michelle, Leslie, Angie, Liz, all of you, you have been so loyal to me, through my whole life.

Thank you for that. I also am a mother and a wife. I have two little girls, Sunny and Faith, and my darling Keith. Who I ask to help me pursue this artistic path and they have to sacrifice so much for it.

So this is yours. I want my little girls to have this on their shelf and to look at it and go 'every time my momma didn't put me to bed it is because of this. I got something'.

But also I want them to know that sometimes when you are acting you get a chance to bring a bigger message and this is their contribution and your contribution. We shone a light on domestic abuse.

注意这句话也是整个获奖感言中内容最为升华的一句,体现了演员的专业度使命感,甚至可以为整个社会做出贡献。shine a light on字面上理解是照亮了某物,在这里可以理解为成功的让某事进入到大众的视野中。domestic abuse(家庭暴力)更是这几年的大热话题,同学们应该早已认识。

It is a complicated, insidious disease it exists far more than we allow ourselves to know. It is filled with shame and secrecy, and by you acknowledging me with this award, it shines a light on it even more. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I bow down to you.


it exists far more than we allow ourselves to know.注意此句的表达方式,超出了我们的认知范围,试比较cognitive range,allow ourselves to know听起来更加形象生动,更有震撼力。


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