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Part 1 高频题解析


Where do you  live?

Currently I live  in Nanjing which is my hometown. I live with my parents.


Do you think  this place is suitable for children to live in?

No I don’t think so. The  whole city is wreathed in haze in the late autumn, which cause some lung  disease. I don’t think children would live a healthy life here.


Do you like  taking photos?

Absolutely! I  like taking photos of all kind of flowers in my garden. I’m just so into  nature. The photos can really keep the good moment.


Do you prefer  to take photos with cell phone or with camera?

I prefer to use  the cell phone. The new generation of iPhone comes out every year with a more  advanced build-in camera which can definitely replace the camera. Besides, I  can post the photos instantly on my SNS and share with my friends, which is  of great fun.



SNS: social  networking service社交应用

Build-in camera:  内置相机

Part 2 高频题解析

Describe a broken equipment

You should say:

What is it

What is the wrong with it

How you feel with the problem

And explain how you deal with the problem

The  equipment I want to talk about is an ipad, which costed me more than 4  thousand RMB. I dropped it on the floor and the screen was then broken. I felt  so pitied and annoyed so I went to the Apple Computer Store to make a  inquiry. They told me it would cost 1000RMB to change the screen.

As  a student, I’m not rich at all, so I made my plans, such as taking part time  jobs during my school holidays and selling flowers on Valentine’s Day. When I  got enough money, I had my screen changed.

The  ipad is really useful coz there are a lot of apps available on the app store.  For example, the booking applications bring people a lot of convenience. We  can book hotels and reserve restaurants just with an ipad. What’s more, there  are some mini games we can freely download, which help us kill time. I’m  really fond of PVZ and angry bird coz the games are easy to operate and the  figures are cute.  

I  just can’t live without it.


将“the most expensive thing you bought”稍作改变即可。无需再准备新的题目。



What other  equipment are there in your home?

Well, there is  also a vacuumcleaner which is of great help. There is a kind of robot vacuum  cleaner that can automatically clean the room for you. I think it’s a great  invention because it frees women’s hand.


Do you think  China is a thrown-away country?

I believe so. Take  cell phone for example, some of my friends signed the contract with some  tele-mobile companies and can keep the mobile phone for at least two years. However,  most of my friends always change their mobile phone to the latest generation.  They would stand in line, waiting for days to buy a new iPhone, and give the  old one to their parents. I don’t think it’s a good consuming habit.


Generation: 手机的一代一代可以用这个词

Free one’s hand: 解放双手

Vacuum cleaner:吸尘器

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