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小编:刘亚平 923




1. 转折逻辑连接词如but, however, yet,nevertheless等

2. 因果逻辑连接词如because,as, since, so ,thus, therefore等

3. 时间逻辑连接词如 now, at that time, before,recently,later,then,finally,after等

4. 顺序逻辑连接词如 firstly, secondly, thirdly, first, then, finally等

5. 并列逻辑连接词如and,besides,in addition to,both…and,I mean,that is , not only, but also等

6. 让步逻辑连接词如 although,though,even though,even if等

7. 解释说明逻辑连接词如 for example, for instance, like,such as等


33. the Chronic factor

*comes from one's ________

The ___________ factor

本题对应的一句原文是:second, there is a situational factor which means that the context we are in can make us more likely to focus on one set of goals or the other.

本题对应的是并列的第二个因素,故听到逻辑连接词second时,答案点的信息马上就出现了即situational. 注意逻辑连接词能够提示我们即将出现的答案点信息。

35. Promotional Focus: People think about an ideal version of themselves,their _________ and their gains.

本题对应原文为:for example, when focusing on promotional goals,people consider their ideal self, their aspirations and gains.

本题当录音中出现for example例证进行解释说明时,引出了答案点的信息,同时结合并列逻辑词and不难得出答案aspirations,逻辑连接词就像发送了一个信号弹一样告知我们答案点的信息就要来了。

36. Leadership behavior and ___________ affects people's focus.

对应录音原文:Now that I have talked about the two focuses and how they affect people, I want to look at the ideas that the way leaders behave, or their style of leading, can affect the focus that followers adopt in a specific situation.

Now that 逻辑连接词引出跟题干相关信息,同时注意并列逻辑词 and可以确定跟behavior类似的名词,要的答案即style.

40. Promotion Focus is good for jobs requiring _____________.

对应录音原文:In conclusion, it is important to understand that one focus is not necessarily better than the other one. For a designer who works in a field where a lot of innovation is needed,a promotional focus is probably better.

In conclusion表结果的逻辑词,要下结论的表达,后面的信息固然很重要,其经常引出答案点的信息,此题中推断需要的是名词确定答案innovation.


I think they speak at natural speed, so it forces you to get used to it. And they use a lot of slang.(增补 - C5T2S3)

for example, we didn't decide on dates when we'd complete each separate step of the project, and we should have agreed about that in the beginning.(时间顺序 - C5T2S3)

We were inexperienced, and we didn't have a lot of time,and we tried to do too much, to make a  long film.(转折 - C5T2S3)


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