小编:刘辉 386雅思考试2017年3月25日阅读机经分析。本场考试难度系数不高,涉及文章类型和题材都在也是在雅思备考过程中常见的。文章涉及到环保和艺术为为旧题,最后一篇人物传记为新题。
考试日期: | 2017年3月25日 |
Reading Passage 1 | |
Title | Reducing the exposure of indoor air pollution in developing countries 降低发展中国家的室内污染—旧题 |
Main idea | 在一些发展中国家在室内做饭等一些活动会产生室内污染。室内污染带来了很多危害。为了降低污染,国际社会采取了一定的措施,主要有改变燃料材料、改变烹饪方式等。 |
Question types: | 简答5 流程图填空4 判断 4 简答: 1、该地区室内污染对女性的危害是:low birth rate 2、该地区室内能源是:biomass fuel 3、该地区室内不能利用电和气的原因是:(high)distribution cost 4、该地区为解决此问题采用了什么新设备但不管用:special stove 5、为控制污染开展consultations 流程图填空:(为控制空气污染项目的开展) 6、pilot projects in China and India 7、Review current projects 8、受益人可达10 million 9、开展范围international 判断题: 10、该项目更加注重的是如何降低室内污染,而不是人体健康。T 11、在高室内污染区域,该项目实施非常成功。F 12、在增加健康教育后,该项目实施非常成功。NG 13、...国家力争解决掉有关此问题的所有危机。F |
Reading Passage 2 | |
Title: | 艺术家指纹图—旧题 |
Main idea | 指纹在艺术中的运用 |
Question Types: | 完成句子5 单选题 3 信息包含题 5 完成句子: 14、以前人们在陶瓷罐上留下指纹是为了:鉴别制造者的身份 15、指纹在破案时的作用取决于:指纹的不同来源 16、鉴别艺术作品上的指纹是为了:辨别该作品是否值钱(是谁的作品) 17、指纹一不小心就会落在画作上是因为:画家用手抹去一些染料漆 18、鉴别画作上的指纹需要:站在不同高度观察 单选: 19、有关Landscape of the rainbow这幅画的描述说明了:这幅画被认为是假的 20、The head of the woman这幅画:破旧了,保存不好 21、E段描述了:该作品被创作于另外一幅作品之前 信息包含题: 22、提醒人们在有证据的情况下也不要轻易下结论G 23、对比指纹在艺术领域与刑事侦查领域的不同应用B 24、指纹留在画作上的原因B 25、对比两幅内容一致的画作E 26、指纹在刑事破案上的应用C
Reading Passage 3 | |
Title: | Leo Burnett—新题 |
参考文章 | Leo Burnett was born in St. Johns, Michigan, on October 21, 1891 to Noble and Rose Clark Burnett. Noble ran a dry goods store and as a young man, Burnett worked with his father, watching Noble as he designed ads for the business. After high school, Leo went on to study journalism at the University of Michigan and received his bachelor's degree in 1914. His first job out of college was as a reporter for the Peoria Journal Star in Peoria, Illinois.In 1917, Leo moved toDetroit and was hired to edit an in-house publication for Cadillac Clearing House, later becoming an advertising director for the same institution.At Cadillac, Leo met his advertising mentor, Theodore F. MacManus, whom Leo called "one of the great advertising men of all time." MacManus ran the agency that handled Cadillac's advertising. In 1918, Leo married Naomi Geddes. The couple met at a small restaurant near the Cadillac offices, where Naomi worked as a cashier. They went on to have three children: Peter, Joseph and Phoebe. During World War I, Leo joined the Navy for six months. However, his service was mostly spent at Great Lakes building a breakwater. After his time in the military, Leo returned to Cadillac for a short while. It was then when a few employees at Cadillac formed the LaFayette Motors Company - triggering Leo to move to Indianapolis to work for the new establishment.Soon after, Leo was offered a position at Homer McKee. He then left LaFayette and joined McKee, where Leo Burnett said of the founder, "(He) gave me my first feel of what I have come to regard as the "warm sell" as contrasted to the "hard sell" and "soft sell."This was his first agency job. After spending a decade at McKee's, and working through the stock market crash of 1929, Leo left the company. In 1930, he moved to Chicago and was hired by Erwin, Wasey & Company, where he was employed for five years. In 1935, Leo founded the Leo Burnett Company, Inc. in a suite at the Palmer House in downtown Chicago. Soon after, the operation moved to the 18th floor of the London Guarantee Building.Today, the agency has 9,000+ employees in over 85 offices globally. In December 1967, nearing the end of his career, Leo Burnett delivered his famous "When To Take My Name Off The Door" speech at the agency's annual holiday gathering. On June 7, 1971, Leo Burnett went to his agency, pledging to his colleagues to cut back to working only three days per week due to some health problems. That evening, at the age of 79, he died of a heart attack at his family farm in Lake Zurich, Illinois. Leo Burnett Company A private company formed in 1935 and officially running under the name of 'Leo Burnett Company, Inc.', the agency started with working capital of $50,000, eight employees and three clients. Now a part of Publicis Groupe, Leo Burnett is one of the largest agency networks with 85 offices in 69 countries and 9,000+ employees. For the first several years, Burnett only billed about $1 million annually.[citation needed] By 1950, billings had increased to $22 million, and by 1954 the company was at $55 million annually. By the end of the 1950s, the Leo Burnett Company was billing $100 million annually. |
Main idea | 文章主要介绍了Leo Burnett本人和他的公司及所做的项目,意在强调他的工作理念。 |
Question types: | 单选题5 选词填空 4 判断题5 单选: 27、Burnett希望员工能够:dedicate to work 28、Burnett的哪个项目让员工的积极性有了进步:D 29、待补充 30、Burnett做的一次有关肉的广告项目:利用了该产品曾经没有被注意到的元素。 31、Burnett做的有关万宝路香烟的广告:目标客户是那些没有被吸引的群体。 填空: 32、Conception 33、Consciousness 34-35有待补充 判断题: 36-40有待补充 |
难度分析 | 本场考试难度系数不高,涉及文章类型和题材都在也是在雅思备考过程中常见的。文章涉及到环保和艺术为为旧题,最后一篇人物传记为新题。本次考试对判断题和选择题考察的频率较大,当然不能忽略了难度系数较大的信息包含题。较为复杂并且易丢分的段落标题题在本场考试中未出现,但是在之后的备考中也不能掉以轻心。最后,预祝烤鸭们都能取得满意成绩! |