小编: 334
图表类型 | 柱图(动态图) |
作文题目 | The chart below shows the results of a |
图片 |
思路 | 第一段:改写题目. 第二段:写home和library这两条上升的线 Home:98—00↓—04↑ Library:98—04↑ 第三段:Workplace下降而college持平 Workplace 98—00→04↓ College:98—00↑—40↓ The bar chart given reveals the proportion of home, workplace, college and library used as a place to have access to the Internet by During the time period, home and library gained users’ increasing preference, with home ranking the highest. The percentage of time spent at home in front of the monitor rose from 50% in 1998 and then dropped mildly to 45% in 2000 before growing to 51% in 2004 while that in library underwent a steady growth from 10% to 16%. Despite the increase, library ranked the lowest in the first 4 years. On the other hand, the use of workplace where UK residents had access to the Internet leveled out at 25% until 2000, followed by a moderate fall to 18% in 2004 whereas the proportion of college used saw a smooth increase from 15% in 1998 to 18% in 2000, then decreasing gradually back to the 1998 figure in 2004. |
类似旧题 |
作文题目 | Young people who commit crimes should be punished in the same way as adults by the authorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? |
题型/题材 | 犯罪类+Argumentation(同意与否类单边观点) |
类似旧题 | Young people who commit serious crimes, such as robbery or violent attacks should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (13.11.09) |
写作思路 | 开头段:青少年犯罪率快速上升而且犯罪年龄越来越小引发担忧。有人建议和成人罪犯相同的处罚标准是降低犯罪率的有效途径。 主体段: 一、 在一定程度上降低青少年犯罪率。因为青少年犯罪上快速上升的原因之一是他们犯罪所受处罚比较轻。接受相同的处罚让他们有畏惧心理,防止犯罪,对其他青少年有震慑作用。 二、 和成人相同处罚标准对青少年不公平。成年人理应认识到自己犯罪后果的严重性,而青少年不成熟,意识不到。此外,青少年不成熟不能明辨是非。青少年这个年龄段比较冲动,容易受到他人影响,很多青少年犯罪是由于家庭原因和同伴影响,而成年人有独立思考和判断的能力。 三、 和成年罪犯相同处罚对青少年和整个社会都是有危害的。如果把青少年关进监狱,会受到成年罪犯的伤害;青少年犯了重罪关进监狱,不能够接受正常的教育,出狱后不能够适应社会,再次犯罪率上升。 总结段:年轻人犯罪和成人相同处罚标准可以一定程度上降低青少年犯罪率,但是对青少年以后的人生以及社会的稳定都是有害的。对于那些犯了非常严重的罪行或者有反社会人格的青少年可以和成人相同处罚,但是大部分青少年还是要减轻处罚。 |