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小编: 6763





  PART 1 高频话题


  1. are there many advertisements in your country

  2. why do you think there are so many advertisements now

  3. how do you feel about advertisements




  are there many advertisements in your country

  Definitely. People could see mass of advertisements almost everywhere like TV, the traditional one, clothes, the body of bus and metro or electronic advertising screen(电子广告屏) on the wall of department store(百货商场). And I consider it’s becoming more and more popular.

  why do you think there are so many advertisements now

  It’s mainly because of the commercial competition(商业竞争). Besides, the diversity(多样化) of new media channels offer the platform and promote it.

  how do you feel about advertisements

  To be honest, some of them are interesting and attractive hooking you tempting(引诱,吸引) people into buying their products, while some of them are not. They are really annoying(讨厌的,烦人的)!

  PART 2

  Describe an interesting country you like to visit

  you should say

  which the country is

  how you know the country

  what you know about the country

  and explain why you think the country is interesting


  国家:(Maldives 马尔代夫, Australia, Korea, England, America, Thailand)

  如何了解:(wikipedia 维基百科, official website, friends, relatives)

  有趣原因:(building, food, culture, people, nature beauty)


  In future, if I had a chance to visit some interesting countries, I would like to go to Australia, which is an amazing land.

  Actually, I had known this country from my geography book when I was a primary school student. There are also many other foreign countries like Italy, Spain and Maldives from the book but Australia is the most impressive and eye-catching one for me, especially the Sydney Opera House.

  The Sydney Opera House is located in Sydney, Australia. It is one of the most distinctive and famous buildings like the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building.

  It has the unique architectural style. Someone says it looks like orange and someone says it looks like the petal. It functions as the touring theatre, ballet, and musical productions and also is the home of Opera Australia and the Sydney Theatre Company.

  Not only is it recognizable, it has come to represent 'Australia'.

  PART 3 对应话题

  How do you think about studying aboard

  why do many students study abroad now


  How do you think about studying abroad?

  Frankly speaking, it’s a good choice for students, especially for the students coming from the area without high education level. They could not acquire the wider and advanced knowledge but the new perspective as well. However, it’s not a hundred percent good thing as students might lose some chances if they choose to study abroad.

  Why do many students study abroad now?

  There are mixed reasons for that. First of all, I think it’s the higher quality of our life. I mean people have more money in their bank account, so they have the economic foundation to achieve higher and advanced education. Also, parents have had the increasing awareness about that studying abroad is a not bad choice for their children. So they just do it.

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