小编: 5882014年12月6 日雅思写作考情分析
南京环球教育教研中心 李佳佳
图表类型 | 线图 |
作文题目 | The average number of people playing top-level football matches in |
图片 | |
写作思路 | 开头段:改写原题 主体段1:Italy 整体呈现下降趋势(show a downward trend)分两阶段,前一阶段decrease significantly, 后一阶段fall slightly。 主体段2:England+Germany两国整体都呈现上升趋势(show an upward trend)Germany saw a rising trend, growing from … in 1980 to … in 2004,在2001到2003 年这段时间,overtake the number in |
作文题目 | Some people think that vertical city is the best, where people live and work in tall buildings. Others think that the horizontal city is better, where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your opinion. |
题型/题材 | Discuss/ 建筑类 |
类似旧题 | 类似旧题:(2006.12.09)Modern buidings change the character and appearance of towns and cities. The government should insist that new buildings be built in traditional styles to protect cultural identity. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
写作指导 | 开头段:背景句 改写原题: Whether vertical city or horizontal one is more preferable has aroused heated debate. 主体段1:(两段1&2) Top sentence:A方观点(Some people hold that it is better to live in cities pervasive with tall buildings might argue that…) Supporting sentences:高楼可以最大化利用土地,解决overpopulation带来的住房和设施压力(理由1)。高楼的配套设施比较完善,方便生活也更舒适(bring more convenience and comfort in life) 。(理由2) 主体段2: Top sentence:B方观点(By contrast, others feel that living in horizontal city is more favorable) Supporting sentences: (They support this view by pointing out the fact that…)不会破坏自然风景,保护城市的一些建筑特色以及相关的文化传统. 结尾段: 我的观点My conclusion, for the discussion above, is that…+the government might as well make an effort to perfect the city planning to better satisfy city dwellers’ needs.