小编:Linda 124雅思写作中的话题和类型何其多,关于结合图片进行考核的地图题就造成了很多考生的迷惑和不知所措,环球教育(原环球教育)的小编就在本文中教你如何描述map题型的关键题型,交上一份满意度的答卷:
其实,该题目属于地图题中的比较型题目,核心是对两个备选地点进行比较。需要注意的是:如果分别列举S1和S2的优点和缺点,那么会有重复论述之虞,S1的优点正是S2的缺点,反之亦然。因此,我们只需要讨论S1 和S2的优点即可,最后追加一句:这些正是另一个方案的缺点(具体写法详见下文)。地图题的另一种题型是变迁型题目,例如2012年5月26日试题,核心是讨论某公园公共设施的变化情况 (before Vs. now)。对比时要注意按照方位顺序描述变化情况,可以由西向东描述,也可以由北向南描述,关注增加/减少了哪些设施,或者替换了哪些设施。避免描述时没有方位顺序。
第一,角度一的优点分析。Advantages of S1:1. 交通便利:It provides customers with a desirable traffic condition and an easier access to parking their vehicles, since the suburban area has adequate spaces to accommodate people and their cars.2. 购物环境良好:Due to the fact that the location of S1 is far from industrial areas, it has less pollution and thus offers a better shopping environment for residents.3. 地价低廉:Being built up in countryside where the price of land is low, S1 is of much lower construction cost, which can lead to low price of goods.描述优点之后,追加一句:这些优势是S2所不具备的: They are what S2 lacks.
第二,角度二的优点分析。Advantages of S2:1. 客流庞大:Owing to its location in town center, it has a huge source of customers from the Garlsdon as well as Bransdon and Cransdon, who can gain access to S2 by the main roads.2. 运输成本低廉:S2 bears lower transportation cost when it has new supplies of goods, on account of the fact that its location is near the railway.描述优点之后,追加一句:这些优势是S1所不具备的:They are the shortcomings of S1.