小编: 2842015年1月17日雅思听力机经
南京环球教育 薛达
Section 1 10114 | 场景 求职 | 题型 Completion | 内容回忆 A man wants to find a job |
1. Address: Elsinore 2. Cell phone number: 077 896 245 3. He once worked part time job as waiter 4. He once worked at a high school as baseball coach 5. Other relevant working experience: worked at the beach 6. Other relevant skills: diving 7. Certificate will expire in October 8. Preferred working time: Saturday mornings 9. He can start to work at 6 o’clock 10. Source of information: radio | |||
Section 2 05207 | 场景 业余活动 | 题型 Multiple Choice Matching | 内容回忆 International week 活动概况 |
11. The businessmen in the town decided to hold the international week in 选August 12. Why did they charge free one day to a whole week? 选local newspaper support and published it 13. If there is bad weather, where should they move to? 选local school stadium 14. How does the company *** support this fair? 选offer equipment 15. Outdoor activities will be held in 选community centre 16. How did the oversea team attend the performance? 选submit a good proposal 17-20. Matching A. Music B. Dance C. Costumes D. Cooking E. Wood Caving F. Sports 17. Mexico 选B 18. South Africa 选C 19. Indonesia 选D 20. Canada 选F | |||
Section 3 V07308 | 场景 课程讨论 | 题型 Completion Multiple Choice | 内容回忆 Two students and one teacher talking about medicine courses |
21. The teacher asked why they didn’t choose nursing(clinic). The man said the medicine diploma course is to difficult. 22. Choosing operation need to learn Biology firstly. 23. If they choose one course, they will work together with young people. 24. One course later on work specialist in disabled people. 25-30. Multiple Choice 25. the suggestions from the professor 选B. Focusing on one subject 26. Why does she choose this school? 选B. International reputation(the girl mentioned a worldwide renowned professor) 27. They should choose a book which is A. Written by this school B. Written by a professor C. Easy to understand (the man said the book published by the school...if they did not understand the books, they still can ask for help on the campus) 28. 选翻修学校教学楼 29. Professor recommended that the most important thing is to A. Whether there is a tutor for each one B. Is there any personal tutor system C. Ask it by yourself and know about the tutor 30. In the end, they decided to B. Want to talk to their teacher C. Remain uncertain | |||
Section 4 V05421 | 场景 关于如何管理员工迟到缺勤 | 题型 Completion | 内容回忆 Approaches to manage the unjustified absence |
31. 这种惩罚措施是the most common approach 32. Disciplinary measures include reducing the number of holidays 33. Entitlement with holding sick-pay or even dismal 34. Advantage: having...mean 35. Also decrease the employees motivation 36. Long time, the employees will learn to...the effect will diminish 37. Enhance the loyalty 38. Offer a/an interview to help those back to find a position in company 39. This approach is flexible 40. Provide more resources for health |