小编: 1472015年4月25日雅思口语机经
南京环球教育学校 --- 张小惠
Part 1 maps
1. Do you ever use maps?
Yes. Whenever I gosomewhere new, I plan my journey with the help of a map
2. When do people usuallyneed to use a map?
I imagine that some peopleuse a map every day if they travel to different places for work. Others mightonly use a map when they're on holiday.
3. Do you preferelectronic or paper maps?
I still prefer paper mapsfor a long journey; I like being able to open the map out on a table and seethe full journey ahead.
4. Do you ever ask peoplefor directions instead of using a map?
Only if I'm really lost.Whenever I ask for directions, I find it difficult to remember what the personsaid. So I prefer to find my own way
Part 2
Describe a prize that youwould like to win. You should explain
- what the prize is for
- how you know aboutit
- what you would haveto do to win it
- and why you wouldlike to win this prize.
The prize that I really wantto win is a "green card", which is raffled off annually by theU.S. Department of State allowing people a chance to get a permanentresident visa to USA. This visa allows you not only legal lifelong stay in theUS, but also provides you with a work permit that plays crucial role forsuccessful immigration.
I realized that I want tomove from my native country then I was a teenager. I've surfed governmentalsites of various developed countries looking for available opportunities, but Ididn't find any appropriate options for myself. Then I encountered the"Green Card Lottery" on the official US immigration site, and decidedto apply my profile.
The lottery has very strictrules. You can apply for participation in it only ones per year and theapplication period is only about one month long. And, there is very littleopportunity to correct mistakes made when submitting documents - in fact, youcan be disqualified for not filling the forms correctly. But I think, everynext year I become more and more proficient in that, so, I don't giveup.
I want to win a green cardbecause it could open the door to another lifestyle and give higher lifestandards for my children. I mean, they would be able to attend Americanschools, to finish American university and, eventually, to get prestigiousprofession for future employment.
Although the odds are one ina million, I wish I won a green card.
raffle off “彩票抽奖性质”
permanent 永久的
Lottery 乐透
proficient 精通熟练
Part 3: community
1) What are some of theways people can help others in the community? Which is the most important?
I think there are manyways to help others in our local communities. For example, where I live, somepeople volunteer to run activity clubs for children, or they help out inresidential homes for elderly people. Others give money, food or clothes toorganizations that support people living below the poverty line. In myopinion, there isn’t a scale of importance when it comes to helping others; allforms of help are positive
the poverty line 贫困线
2) Why do you think somepeople like to help other people?
Most people get a goodfeeling when they help others, and they understand that we can all experiencedifficult times in our lives when we might need support. For example, we allgrow old, and we all run the risk of losing our jobs or having a health problemthat affects our ability to look after ourselves. So, I think people helpothers because they empathise with them
empathise with 同情
3) Some people say thatpeople help others in the community more now than they did in the past. Do youagree or disagree? Why?
I disagree with that kindof opinion. It’s impossible to generalise about how much people help in theircommunities from one generation to the next, so I don’t think we should try tojudge or compare how altruistic people are now or were in the past. There havealways been those who help others and those who don’t
altruistic people 专门利人的