小编:长安 72 环球教育(原环球教育)教研中心为大家整理了5月7日托福考题全部内容:听、说、读、写完整回忆和解析,希望能帮大家更上一层楼。
教授说翼龙(Pterosauria)是种爬行动物(reptile),尽管与恐龙(dinosaur)生活在同一时期,但它不是恐龙。它的翅膀(wings)与鸟类(bird)和蝙蝠(bat)都不一样,但又有部分相似处。翼龙(Pterosauria)的前臂和后肢拥有强有力的肌肉(muscle),而且是膜翼翅膀(membrane)。但翼龙(Pterosauria)飞行时更像鸟类。翼龙(Pterosauria)的翅膀其实是由一根长长的手指支撑的(one finger),像是支撑船帆的桅杆。但这个膜翼翅膀是连接在髋部还是脚踝(connected to hip or ankle)仍存在争议。目前证据表明是连接连接在脚踝上的,但证据并非十分明显,因为不知道骨骼(bone)的具体位置。
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, it is better to live close to parents than far away from them.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people’s personalities change when they grow older.
3. Nowadays many people will move their location to different places for working and schooling. Describe two disadvantages of living in a different area.
4. Some people prefer living in a big city, other people prefer living in the country side, way from urban areas. Which do you think is better, explain why using specific details in your explanation.
1. 轻微的颜色差异:第一次非常白,第二次微白;
2. 相隔太远:两次相隔了1500mile,他们在岸边不会走这么远;
3. 年龄估计:第一次估计是20岁,那就意味着第二次得要30岁,科学家表示不太可能。
1.Some people think individuals should pay for the internet while others think governments should provide people with internet for free, which one do you prefer.
2.Government should support scientific research even if the research does not have any practical use.
3.Should school focus more on purchasing new equipment or recruiting good teachers?
4.Agree or disagree, the way of a person's dress is an indication of his or her personality or character?
5.A friend who is intelligent is much better than a friend with a good sense of humour.