小编:Linda 119好的环境能起到好的熏陶作用,对于考试的作用也是不容小觑。
Put yourself in the position to control/command the language.Take notes in English(eg. Your shopping list, to do list etc) , watchEnglish news
(eg. If you are a basketball fan, go to the officialwebsite of NBA instead of reading the translated version). Watch movies without looking at subtitles. Speak English with your friends whenever you can.
The more English material that you have around you, the fasteryou will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinkingin English”.
Make the most of it when you have the opportunity to talk with native speakers.Learn their accent!
even there aregrammar or logical errors involved, my speech still “looks” fluent andexplosive with the native accent. So I guess the success pretty much relies on that.
Thro waway all the prepared the notes and have fun! I saw a large number ofstudents still looking at their notes in the last minute inside the waiting room. You know what? That is pathetic and you ll never get thejob done!