小编: 285
南京环球教育 翟笃家
图表类型 | 表格 |
作文题目 | 五个国家教师工资的比较(salaries of secondary / high school teachers in 5 different countries) |
图片 |
思路 | 表格包含4列,分别是五个国家教师的初始工资(2009年)、15年后的工资、工资的最大值以及自己要达到最大值所需的工作年限。 |
类似旧题 | N/A |
作文题目 | Developments in technology are causing many environmental problems. Some people think that people should choose a simpler way of life. Others think that we should use technology to solve these problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. |
题型 / 题材 | 讨论双边型(环境类话题) |
类似旧题 | 2009.02.12 Developments in science and technology have caused many environmental problems. Some people say that a simpler way of life will protect the environment, while others believe that science and technology can solve environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. |
写作思路 | 开头段:科技的发展导致了一系列环境问题。人们对于如何解决这些由科技进步带来的环境问题存在不同的看法。
主体段一: 主旨句:让生活变得更简单确实可以改善环境。 支持句:更简单的生活方式包括:步行、骑车或者乘坐公共交通工具而不是开私家车上下班(commute on foot, by bicycle or on public transport instead of by private car);少用或者避免使用一次性产品、重复使用购物袋并且循环利用罐装容器(use fewer or avoid using disposable products; reuse shopping bags and recycle canned containers);减少看电视以及玩电脑游戏的时间、充分利用白天太阳光所产生的自然光线,从而减少用电量(reduce the time spent on TV viewing and video game playing, as well as take advantage of natural light whenever possible, thereby lowering electricity consumption);选择本地种植或生产的未经包装的新鲜食品而不是远距离运输的带包装食品(choose locally-grown or -produced fresh food without packaging over packaged food which has been transported over long distances)。这些都是减少浪费、污染和“碳足迹”的简单而有效的方法。(All these are simple but effective ways to reduce waste, pollution and carbon footprint.)
主体段二: 主旨句:新科技的出现为过去的科技所带来的各种环境挑战提供绿色解决方案。(The emergence of new technologies offers green solutions to a wide variety of environmental challenges brought about by previous technologies.) 支持句:清洁能源技术的发展与应用在一定程度上减少了我们对于化石燃料的依赖并且大大降低了化石燃料造成的环境污染(The advancement and application of clean energy technologies have already diminished our dependence on fossil fuels and reduced the environmental pollution form fossil fuels);混合动力技术提高了车辆的燃料使用效率同时减少了尾气排放(Hybrid technology has enhanced vehicle fuel efficiency and reduced exhaust emissions);照明技术的进步使得家庭和工业用电量大幅度下降(The progress of lighting technology has led to a substantial decline in both household and industrial electricity consumption);可循环包装技术的发展会为解决“白色污染”开辟了新的途径(The development of recyclable packaging technology has opened up new approaches to “white pollution”)等。
总结段:解决现有的环境问题需要科技进步与改变生活方式相结合。(To solve current environmental problems requires a combination of technological advances and lifestyle changes.) |