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Part 1

l  Do you like shopping/window shopping?

No, I hate shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, Iunderstand shopping is the most basic activity in a capitalistic society. Butpeople are often lured into buying things they don't really need. Some peopleeven shop till they drop. I don't like that. Secondly, I believe shopping is awoman thing. Women are crazy about shopping. On the other hand, a man is notsupposed to be fond of shopping.

l  Where do you often go to shop and with whom?

I usually go to HUNAN LOAD with my friends. There are manyshopping malls and street shops with lots of very fashionable clothes andaccessories. Plus, there are always sales going on and you can bargain overitems you want to buy.

l  How often do you go shopping in a week?

I’m a compulsive shopaholic that I have to shop at leasttwice a week. However, due to my recent tight budget, I'll have to try toreduce it to only once a week.

l  What kinds of shops are there near your home?

Well, there are just a few shops in the neighborhood. Mostof them are grocery shops, while there is one barber shop too. But if you wantto go to a bigger shop you have to go into the town, which usually takes 20minutes or so by bus.

l  Do youlike visiting street market?

I don’t think so. The street markets are always in chaos.What’s more, the price of products in a street market is not stable so that youneed to bargain sometimes, which is quite annoying.

l  Arestreet markets very common in your country?

I think so. You can find a lot in the neighborhood and nearthe school campus. These kind of markets tend to appeal to old people andstudents. Some people prefer supermarkets and shopping malls.

l  What isusually sold in these street markets?

There are a large variety of products like vegetables,clothes and stationaries. Necessities are always available in these marketswith reasonable price.

l  Dopeople in your country prefer to go shop at a street, or in normal shoppingmalls?

Well it depends on different people. Some people preferstreet markets because they are always nearby. While some people prefershopping malls because products there are qualified, and you can easily refundor exchange the items if you dislike them.

Part 2


Describe a friend who you think is agood leader.  

You should say:  

who this friend is  

how you first met this person  

what you and this friend do together  

what kind of person he/she is  

and explain why you think he/she is a good leader.

Describe a friend who you think is agood leader.  

You should say:  

who this friend is  

how you first met this person  

what you and this friend do together  

what kind of person he/she is  

and explain why you think he/she is a good leader.


I definitely think leadership abilities require a person tohave many good qualities. I remember my friend, Gang, a good leader with noblecharacter.

I have known him for more than ten years. He’s willing tohelp others, and can take people’s advice. The most important thing is that hecan always have a big picture when he does things. Maybe that’s why people alllike him and support him.

Actually, he’s my middle school classmate. He’s veryoutstanding, so he became our class monitor. He has the ability to make peopletrust him and be willing to follow his instructions. When we had some bigevents, such as the New Year’s party or the school field day, he could alwaysarrange everything well. Now, he’s a manager of a big company. He’s still thesame. All the employees are supportive because he’s willing to sacrifice histime and energy for them. Once he told me his dream was to make his employeessuccessful, and he said when his employees were successful, he would be evenmore outstanding

I think he’s a good leader and I have learned a lot fromhim. I’m sure it’s a pleasure for others to work for him.    

Part 3

l  What qualities should a leader have?

It’s not easy to be a leader. A good leader should have anexemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy tolead others. A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause. Leadersneed to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards therequired action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leadermay be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team workingtowards the goal. Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm,composed and steadfast to the main purpose.

l  Should managers have higher salaries?

Definitely. Managers usually need to put more efforts intotheir career and the company. It’s not common to see a manager have a lot offree time but we would usually picture them working in front of the desk allday long. Also, when a company faces difficulties or is in trouble, it’susually the manager to be blamed at because they take greater responsibilitiesthan others. Because of these reasons, I believe they deserve higher pay.  

l  How do you think the gap between the rich andthe poor will develop in the future?

In my opinion, the gap between the rich and the poor will benarrowed in the future. Firstly, the information gap, one of the major reasonsto cause the difference, will be narrowed, due to the easy accessibility withthe help of modern information technology. Also, with the effort of governmentsat all levels, monopolies, privileges, and inequalities among people will bereduced, helping to shorten the gap between the rich and the poor.

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