小编: 4352015年1月10日雅思听力机经
南京环球教育 薛达
Section 1 | 场景 Job hunting | 题型 Completion | 内容回忆 Fruit-picking(employment form) |
Name: Sophie Harries Location: the 1.Central Hostel, Sydney Telephone No.(mobile): 0452 832721 Age: 2.19 Preferred location: North Queensland, near the 3.coast Available to work: from the month of 4.August Payment basis: paid for every 5.hour Type of fruit preferred: 6.bananas Health Pre-existing health condition: used to have a problem with her 7.back Client has medical 8.insurance Client doesn’t have a 9.truck licence Client wants accommodation in a 10.town nearby | |||
Section 2 V120728 S2 | 场景 课程介绍 | 题型 Multiple Choice Matching | 内容回忆 Evening classes instruction |
11. 去年那个课程比较受欢迎 选B. photograph 12. ***课程的上课时间调整,问原因 选A. short-term duration between holidays 13. 今年那个拉丁课程为什么不开 选B. the teacher is not available 14. 建议今晚干什么 选B. ask and communicate with the teachers 15. 让他们向谁资讯 选A. special teacher 16. 什么样的情况下给折扣 选C. himself to take the second chance Matching A. new to the university B. appeared in a magazine C. appeared in a TV program D. contribute to a charity E. has worked for 25 years F. *** G. published a well-known book 17. 选C 18. 选D 19. 选G 20. 选E | |||
Section 3 | 场景 选课 | 题型 Multiple Choice Matching | 内容回忆 两个学生讨论注册入学,选修课,必修课 |
21-26. Multiple Choice 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. A 27-30. Matching 27. D 28. E 29. A 30. C | |||
Section 4 | 场景 关于城市化优缺点的讲座 | 题型 Completion | 内容回忆 Reasons for and against urban miration |
Reasons for and against the urban migration Account for 3% of the planet’s land area Less 31.carbon is consumed Advantages of moving to the cities Some 32.forest will recover 33.transport is environmentally friendly Recycling of the methane gas from the 34.rubbish Economic factor: urban women start a family late They are more likely to gain 35.promotion in work Downsides of cities Possible loss of 36.culture during the process The higher 37.crime rate of the city Poor quality of 38.air Economic factor: good 39.welfare means more energy wasted People find the daily 40.traffic stressful |