小编: 2172015年7月23日雅思写作考情分析
南京环球教育 李舒扬
图表类型 | 组合图(柱+表格) |
题目 | The chart shows the percentage of unemployed people aged between 15 and 24 in 5 European countries in 2005, with the overall unemployment in 2005. |
图片 | ![]() |
写作指导 | 开头改写示范:The bar chart provides data concerning the unemployment of people aged between 15 and 24 as well as the overall unemployment in 5 European countries in the year 2005. 中间主体段分为两段: Body1: 五个国家15-24岁失业人数所占比例比较:最值,大小,倍数等关系 Body2:五个国家总失业数据比较:最值,大小,倍数等关系 结尾段:波兰以及丹麦两个国家分别最大与最小值以及德国在15-24岁人口失业率以及总失业率之间的差异最小。
题目 | Some people say government should give the health care the first priority, some people believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers’ money. Discuss both views and give your opinion. |
题型/题材 | 讨论双边/政府投资类 |
类似旧题 | Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people think it is not the governments’ responsibility. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(05.7.9) |
思路指导 | 开头段示范:Government investment,which matters a great deal in terms of the development of society, is always the concern of public. Some hold the view that health care should be given the top priority while opponents lend support to other undertakings.
主体段1:投资医疗 (主题句)优先考虑投资医疗的支持者有其立场(Those who...have their ground for...) (次主题)此举有助于保证社会平等 (支持句)由于政府的大力投资,穷人在医疗方面因为社会资源缺乏和社会地位低下而造成的不平待遇会相应减少。这毫无疑问的将会缩小贫富差距,至少在这一方面,大大有助于和谐社会发展 主体段2:投资其他 (主题句)然而,另一方阵营的人,持有不同的态度。(another army of people,however, hold different views) (次主题1)他们认为与医疗相比,教育文化事业更值得投资。 (支持句)因为教育事关一个国家的整体国民素质以及经济社会发展,大大影响着一个国家的综合国力。很难想象一个教育欠缺的国家会是什么样。 (次主题2)另外,基础设施建设也是一项很大的投资不容忽略。 (支持句)公共交通,自来水给水排水系统以及供电系统这都渗透到生活的各个部分,这些都是人民生活与社会生产正常进行的保证。 结尾段: 在我看来,国家在做好基本医疗服务的同时,更要去关注一些其他重要领域的投资,无论是为了未来长久发展还是社会基本活动的正常进行。 |