小编: 10162015年3月14日
考试日期: | 2015年3月14日 |
Reading Passage 1 (旧) | |
Title: | The history of tea茶叶的历史 |
Question types: | 小标题配对 信息配对 |
文章大意 | A The story of tea began in ancient China over 5,000 years ago. According to the legend, Shen Nung, an early emperor was a skilled ruler, creative scientist and patron of the arts. His far-sighted edicts required, among other things, that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution. One summer day while visiting a distant region of his realm, he and the court stopped to rest. In accordance with his ruling, the servants began to boil water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from the nearby bush fell into the boiling water, and a brown liquid was infused into the water. As a scientist, the emperor was interested in the new liquid, drank some, and found it very refreshing. And so, according to legend, tea was created. C Tea was elevated to an art form resulting in the creation of the Japanese Tea Ceremony (“Cha-no-yu”or “the hot water for tea”). The best description of this complex art form was probably written by the Irish-Greek journalist historian Lafcadio Hearn, one of the few foreigners ever to be grantedJapanese citizenship during this era. He wrote from personal observation, “The F Slowly, as the amount of tea imported increased, the price fell as the volume of sale expanded. |
部分答案 | List of heading: i. Good or bad of tea 段落A-G答案对应为:1.v 2.viii 3.ii 4.iv 5.vii 6.i 7.vi 8.iii Matching: A. France 法国 B. Holland 荷兰 C. Japan 日本 D. China 中国 E. Britain 英国 F. Russia 俄罗斯 G. Portugal 葡萄牙
9. 专为饮茶而设计的房子 C 10. 很短的一段时间过后茶被替代掉了 A 11. 使用动物来运输茶叶 F 12. 尽管有些争议但是饮茶还是十分流行 B 13. 因为统治者的专业知识,茶就此流行 D |
难度分析 | 发明发展史类的文章,难度不高,避免粗心。小标题配对题注意掌握略读文章的方法以及一些带有特殊转折的段落。国家配对题相对简单,方便定位,仔细阅读文章得出答案。 |
Reading Passage 2 (旧) | |
Title: | Bestcom 自动电话系统 |
Question types: | 判断 流程填空 |
文章大意 | A “YOUR BATTERY IS NOW FULLY CHARGED,” ANNOUNCED THE LAPTOP COMPUTER to its owner, Donald A. Norman, with enthusiasm perhaps even a hint of pride?— in its synthetic voice. To be sure, distractions and multitasking are hardly new to the human condition. “A complicated life, continually interrupted by competing requests for attention, is as old as procreation,” laughs Ted Selker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab. But increasingly, it is not just our kids pulling us three ways at once; it is also a relentless barrage of e-mail, alerts, alarms, calls, instant messages and automated notifications, none of them coordinated and all of them oblivious to whether we are busy or even present. “It’s ridiculous that my own computer can’t figure out whether I’m in front of it, but a public toilet can,” exclaims Roel Vertegaal of Queen’s University in Ontario. B Humanity has connected itself through roughly three billion networked telephones, computers, traffic lights—even refrigerators and picture frames—because these things make life more convenient and keep us available to those we care about. So although we could simply turn off the phones, close the e-mail program, and shut the office door when it is time for a meeting or a stretch of concentrated work, we usually don’t. We just endure the consequences. C Numerous studies have shown that when people are unexpectedly interrupted, they not only work less efficiently but also make more mistakes. “It seems to add cumulatively to a feeling of frustration,” Picard reports, and that stress response makes it hard to regain focus. It isn’t merely a matter of productivity and the pace of life. For pilots, drivers, soldiers and doctors, errors of inattention can be downright dangerous. “If we could just give our computers and phones some understanding of the limits of human attention and memory, it would make them seem a lot more thoughtful and courteous,” says Eric Horvitz of Microsoft Research. Horvitz, Vertegaal, Selker and Picard are among a small but growing number of researchers trying to teach computers, phones, cars and other gadgets (小配件)to behave less like egocentric oafs (利己主义者的笨人)and more like considerate colleagues. D To do this, the machines need new skills of three kinds: sensing, reasoning and communicating. First a system must sense or infer where its owner is and what he or she is doing. Next it must weigh the value of the messages it wants to convey against the cost of the disruption. Then it has to choose the best mode and time to interject. Each of these pushes the limits of computer science and raises issues of privacy, complexity or reliability. Nevertheless, “attentive” computing systems have begun appearing in newer Volvos and IBM has introduced Websphere communications software with a basic busyness sense. Microsoft has been running extensive in-house tests of a much more sophisticated system since 2003. Within a few years, companies may be able to offer every office worker a software version of the personal receptionist that only corner-suite executives enjoy today. But if such an offer should land in your inbox, be sure to read the fi ne print before you sign. An attentive system, by definition, is one that is always watching. That considerate computer may come to know more about your work habits than you do. E Most people aren’t as busy as they think they are, which is why we can usually tolerate interruptions from our inconsiderate electronic paraphernalia ( 设备). James Fogarty and Scott E. Hudson of Carnegie Mellon University recently teamed up with Jennifer Lai of IBM Research to study 10 managers, researchers and interns at work. They videotaped the subjects and periodically had them rate their “interruptibility.” The amount of time the workers spent in leave-me-alone mode varied from person to person and day to day, ranging from 10 to 51 percent. On average, the subjects wanted to work without interruption about one third of the time. In studies of Microsoft employees, Horvitz has similarly found that they typically spend more than 65 percent of their day in a state of low attention. F Today’s phones and computers, which naively ( 天真无邪地) assume that the user is never too busy to take a call, read an email, or click “OK” on an alert box, thus are probably correct about two thirds of time. To be useful, then, considerate systems will have to be more than 65 percent accurate in sensing when their users are near their cognitive limits. Bestcom/Enhanced Telephony, a Microsoft prototype based on Horvitz’s work, digs a little deeper into each user’s computer to find clues about what they are up to. Microsoft launched an internal beta test of the system in mid-2003. By last October, Horvitz says, about 3,800 people were using the system to field their incoming phone calls. G Horvitz himself is one of those testers, and while we talk in his office in Redmond,Wash., Bestcom silently handles one call after another. First it checks whether the caller is listed in his address book, the company directory, or its log of people he has called recently. Triangulating these sources, it tries to deduce their relationship. Family members, supervisors and people he called earlier today ring through. Others see a message on their computer that he is in a meeting and won’t be available until 3 P.M. The system scans Horvitz’s and the caller’s calendar and offers to reschedule the call at a time that is open for both. Some callers choose that option; others leave voice mail. E-mail messages get a similar screening. When Horvitz is out of the office, Bestcom automatically offers to forward selected callers to his cellphone— unless his calendar and other evidence suggest that he is in a meeting. H Most large companies already use computerized phone systems and standard calendar and contact management software, so tapping into those “sensors” should be straightforward. Not all employees will like the idea of having a microphone on all the time in their office, however, nor will everyone want to expose their datebook to some program they do not ultimately control. Moreover, some managers might be tempted to equate a “state of low attention” with “goofing off ” and punish those who seem insufficiently busy.
部分答案 | 判断 14. 根据Ted Selker所说,办公室内的干扰事项不断影响人类的生产力 Not Given 15. 如果人们被电话或者邮件打扰,他们通常会忍受这种情况而非采取不合作的行为 True 16. 微软公司现在正在调查研究一种软件,该软件是与普通的办公室相兼容的 True 17. 人们对于他们是否忙碌通常有错误的概念 True 18. 调查研究人员表明在办公室内注意力集中的时间段通常只有65% False 19. 先进的电话和电脑系统将会给人们提供即刻接受信息的捷径 NG 流程填空题: 20. clues 21. relationship 22. message 23. reschedule 24. voice mail 25. cellphone 26. meeting |
Reading Passage 3 (旧) | |
Title: | What cookbooks really teach us厨师手册的秘密 |
Question types: | 填空 段落信息配对 信息配对 |
文章大意 | A. Shelves bend under their weight of cookery books. Even a medium-sized bookshop contains many more recipes than one person could hope to cook in a lifetime. Although the recipes in one book are often similar to those in another, their presentation varies wildly, from an array of vegetarian cookbooks to instructions on cooking the food that historical figures might have eaten. The reason for this abundance is that cookbooks promise to bring about a kind of domestic transformation for the user. The daily routine can be put to one side and they liberate the user, if only temporarily. To follow their instructions is to turn a task which has to be performed every day into an engaging, romantic process. Cookbooks also provide an opportunity to delve into distant cultures without having to turn up at an airport to get there. |
部分答案 | 填空题 Why are there so many cookery books? There are a great number more cookery books published than is really necessary and it is their _presentation_______which makes them differ from each other. There are such large numbers because they offer people an escape from their ____daily routine___ and some give the user the chance to inform themselves about other __distant cultures____ . 段落信息配对题 1. cookery books providing a sense of stability during periods of unrest E 2. details in recipes being altered as they were passed on D 3. knowledge which was in danger of disappearing G 4. the negative effect on cookery books of a new development D 5. a period when there was no need for cookery books to be precise C 配对题 1. Its recipes were easy to follow despite the writer’s attention to detail D 2. Its writer may have deliberately avoided passing on details A 3. It appealed to ambitious ideas people have about cooking E 4. Its writer used ideas from other books but added additional related information B 5. It put into ideas which are still respected today C List of cookery books A. De re coquina
难度分析 | 本场考试三篇都是旧题,难度中等;涉及话题历史,科技等社科类话题。建议烤鸭们合理利用机经还原文章,关注题库及剑桥雅思真题中的相关话题文章,扩充自己的背景知识。 题型方面,本场考试涉及的题型较为简单,判断填空配对仍然是本次雅思阅读考试的考查重点,广大烤鸭在备考时一定要强化对高频题型的训练,查漏补缺。 |