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10月20日雅思口语机经分析- 南京学校 张小惠



小编: 781


  南京学校 张小惠



  1.Do you ever ride a bicycle?

  参考回答:Yeah I do, but not that much anymore, because I’m living on campus at the moment. So everything’s pretty close to me, and I don’t really need a bike to get around.

  2.Are bicycles popular in China?

  参考回答:Yes they are. They’re incredibly popular! You know, if you go out onto any street in China, the chances are you’ll see a lot of bikes. And I guess the reason for this is that they’re the cheapest way to get around, apart from walking of course, but that’s a lot slower!

  The chances are = in all likelihood 十有八九

  Apart from…of course = 当然除了….以外

  3.Would you say it’s safe to ride a bicycle in the city?


  If yes:

  On the whole (generally speaking), I’d say it is, yeah, as long as you cycle carefully of course! Because what’s good is that in most cities here, there are separate bike lanes(自行车道)for cyclists to use, which makes it a lot safer.

  If no:

  No I wouldn’t, because I mean there are just so many cars on the road now, and it’s not always easy for a driver to spot a cyclist, for example when It’s dark and raining, plus the fact that bicycles here don’t have lights. So you’ve basically just got to be really careful when you’re cycling anywhere.



  Describe your dream job when you were a child.

  You should say:

  what job it was

  what you knew about this type of work

  how you heard about this job

  and explain why you thought this would be a good job


  Ok, well when I was a child, probably one of my biggest ambitions was to become a professional footballer, which, I should admit, was a bit of a ridiculous dream不切实际的梦想 to have, considering my football skills at the time were by no means great.

  And as for (承接过度需注意)how I first became interested in a career as a footballer, well, I guess it was mainly because I always used to play football at school with my classmates, and whenever I scored a goal, it always gave me a really great feeling. So I often used to imagine playing in front of thousands of people in a nice stadium体育场 and scoring the winning goal, and I would play this in my mind over and over again, which is probably also what a lot of other kids my age did as well.

  Unfortunately, though, even though I practiced a lot, my football skills never really got to the level that they would need to be if I was gonna have any chance of being a professional footballer, so in the end, I reluctantly(不情愿的) gave up on the idea, and instead decided to focus on things which were a bit more realistic.

  So in the end, it just wasn’t to be, but I’m still very happy with the way things have turned out, as I’ve discovered a lot of other exciting and interesting things which, I can safely say, I’m much more suited to doing!


  1.What are the benefits of being a volunteer?

  Well, I suppose the best thing about being a volunteer is the feel good factor you get from helping others. So basically I mean, when we help people, it generally makes us feel good about ourselves.

  And as well as this, I guess you could also say that it’s a good way of experiencing things you might not otherwise get the chance to experience, and a prime (极好的)example would be the YOG(青奥会), for which a lot of people wanted to be a volunteer at, partly for this reason.

  2.What benefits do volunteers bring to society?

  Well, I think it goes without saying that they bring a lot of benefits to society, the most obvious of which would be that they're willing to work for free. And as a result, it means that cities and communities in general, are able to provide services which they might not otherwise have been able to provide.

  So, just to give you an example, in my hometown, there's a volunteer association which regularly sends volunteers to nursing homes to help look after the elderly, and if they didn’t do this, there’s no way that these places would be able to afford such services.

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