小编: 2142015年5月9日雅思口语机经
南京环球教育学校 --- 张霖楠
Part 1
1. What job (or, what work) do youdo?
I’m a teacher at an Englishtraining center. I’ve been working there for several years. It’s my pleasure
to see my students make progress,so I think this job is very suitable for me.
2. What is the nature of that work?
It’s a teaching job. I help thestudents improve their English language skills and most of them are
planning to take IELTS.
3. What do you do in that job?
I teach English, both productiveand receptive skills. My job is to help my students succeed in their
studies and pass exams if they needto.
4. Would you say your job (or, yourwork) is very important?
I think so. I think the world will be muchworse if there’re no teachers, especially good ones. I think
my job is very important to thesociety.
5. How do you thinkyour subject will help you (or, benefit you) in the future?
I’m planning to be a teacher. Now Imajor in TESOL, which can help me learn teaching skills and I’m
sure in the future I’ll be aqualified teacher because of my educational background. However,
experience is also important, so Ican’t stop learning even after I start working.
6. Do you think thissubject has good prospects for the future?
Teachers arealways needed in our society, so I’m sure I’ll be able to find a suitable jobwhen I
7. What benefits canpeople have if they do the jobs they like?
Well, there're many benefits. Ifpeople enjoy the jobs they do, they can be more productive and are
more likely to succeed. When theydo the jobs, they also won’t feel too much pressure but can enjoy
themselves. It’s good for theirmental health as well.
Part 2
Describe a restaurant that you like the most
You should say:
what thename of the restaurant is
where itis
why youlike it
Explain what makes it special for you
’d like to talk about a hotpot restaurant in my hometown. I like hotpot verymuch. My friend told me about the restaurant, so I went there with my sister.The restaurant is called Hi Dear Lord because it’s famous for its service.
The food there is very delicious. I think themanager is very creative. Since the business is very good, sometimes customershave to wait for the tables. The manager makes this waiting time morerewarding. When the costumers have to wait for more than five minutes, they canhave three plates of vegetables for free. Sometimes we feel happy if we have towait, which is very different from the experiences in other restaurants. If youeat there, you can enjoy your drinks for a low price and you can get yourrefills for free. I think it is quiet agood deal for students.
Now I study in a different city and I don’t see myfriends in my hometown very often. I always miss the time when we sat around thehotpot and chatted happily.
1.Why do some people like eating out?
There’re manyadvantages of eating out. You don’t have to toil in the oily and steamy kitchenfor hours to make a meal. Also, the professional cooks are like artists who canturn simple raw ingredients to wonderful dishes. There’re many different stylerestaurants that make food from all over the world. They can definitely give usvariety in our food choice. Variety is the spice of life, so we need it.
2.How to encourage children eat healthy food?
Parents can domany things. If parents involve kids in planning meals, going grocery shopping,and preparing food, they will become invested in the process and more likely toeat the healthy food they have worked for. Young children's food tastes aresignificantly related to foods that their parents like and dislike, so parentsneed to be good role models and demonstrate how to eat healthily.