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Part 1 高频题解析


Do you like  shopping for shoes?

I suppose it's not  something I especially enjoy doing. You know, for me it's just a matter of  finding the right shoes and buying them, and the faster I can get it done,  the better!


What kinds of shoes  do you usually buy?

Well, the shoes I  normally buy are just plain, simple walking shoes, cos that's all I really  need. Oh and I occasionally buy trainers for running.


Do you  prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes?

I much prefer comfortable shoes, cos for me,  comfort is definitely the number one priority. But that's not to say I don't  care at all about how they look. I mean, I don't wanna go around wearing  shoes that look hideous! You know, that would be pretty  embarrassing.


How often do  you buy shoes?

on average I'd say  I buy a couple of pairs a pair a year. the shoes I buy tend to last quite a  long time.


Trainers n. 运动鞋

number one priority  第一重要的

   Hideous adj. 丑陋

Embarrassing 尴尬的

Part 2 高频题解析

Describe an occasion you  waited for someone.

  You  should say:

  when it  happened

  who you  were waiting for

  where you  waited

  and  explain how you felt when you were waiting.

   I have a vague  memory that it happened roughly 5 years  ago,When I was about 13years old, I was going to a friends house alone in a  taxi .

  When I got there, I realized I only had a  50 yuan bill, and the fare was around 8. I gave the 50 to the taxi driver and  asked him if he could change it somewhere. He promised and drove off.    

   My  friend then came out and asked why I hadn't gone in yet, and I told her I was  waiting for my change. She looked at me sadly and explained reluctantly that I probably wasn't getting my money  back.

   I felt really disappointed, but decided  to wait anyways for a few minutes. I waited for about 10 more minutes; I  thought the driver was too scummy stealing  from a 13-year-old child.I was about to give up when the taxi driver suddenly  appeared and handed me my change back, saying he was sorry it had taken him  so long.    

  I thanked him and gave him 5 yuan extra as  a tip.

  Years later I still remember that and it  makes me feel quite warm.



Roughly   ['rʌflɪ] 大概地

Vague  [veɪg] 模糊的

fare [feə] 费用

change 找回的零钱

reluctantly[rɪ'lʌktəntlɪ] 无奈地

scummy ['skʌmɪ] 卑鄙的

Suddenly 突然地

Tip 小费



Do you prefer traveling by car or by bus?

On the whole I’d say I probably prefer  traveling by car. You know, the seats tend to be more comfortable in a car,  and a lot of the time it’s hard to even get a seat on a bus. So , if I was  ever given the choice, I think I’d always choose a car over a bus.


What would you suggest as possible solutions  to the problem of congested traffic?

Um…that’s a really tough  one!  I suppose the best solution is to  improve the overall quality of public transport. For example provide more  buses, more bus routes, expand the subway system…all of these things I guess  will help in the long run,  cos I mean, even if people have a car, they might choose to take public  transport on occasion if it’s good.



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