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Passage one
这篇文章主要讲的是动物的行为会受到日照时间的影响。动物会根据一些事物的变化或是气温的变化去预知时长的变化。文中提到了加拿大一种名叫yellow bird的动物实验的例子。还提到赤道附近几乎没有什么日照的变化,所以动物的行为会受到其他因素诸如雨季等的影响。不同生物会根据自身的情况选择时间,比如鸟的怀孕时间较短,就选择12月,羊的怀孕时间较长就会调整mating的时间。
A circadian rhythm is any biological process that displays an endogenous, entrainable oscillation of about 24 hours. These 24-hour rhythms are driven by a circadian clock, and they have been widely observed in plants, animals, fungi, and cyanobacteria.
The term circadian comes from the Latin circa, meaning "around" (or "approximately"), and diēm, meaning "day". The formal study of biological temporal rhythms, such as daily, tidal, weekly, seasonal, and annual rhythms, is called chronobiology.
Although circadian rhythms are endogenous ("built-in", self-sustained), they are adjusted (entrained) to the local environment by external cues called zeitgebers (from German, "time giver"), which include light, temperature and redox cycles.
Circadian rhythmicity is present in the sleeping and feeding patterns of animals, including human beings. There are also clear patterns of core body temperature, brain wave activity, hormone production, cell regeneration, and other biological activities. In addition, photoperiodism, the physiological reaction of organisms to the length of day or night, is vital to both plants and animals, and the circadian system plays a role in the measurement and interpretation of day length.
The rhythm is linked to the light–dark cycle. Animals, including humans, kept in total darkness for extended periods eventually function with a free-running rhythm. Their sleep cycle is pushed back or forward each "day", depending on whether their "day", their endogenous period, is shorter or longer than 24 hours. The environmental cues that reset the rhythms each day are called zeitgebers (from the German, "time-givers"). Totally blind subterranean mammals (e.g., blind mole rat Spalax sp.) are able to maintain their endogenous clocks in the apparent absence of external stimuli. Although they lack image-forming eyes, their photoreceptors (which detect light) are still functional; they do surface periodically as well.[page needed]
Free-running organisms that normally have one or two consolidated sleep episodes will still have them when in an environment shielded from external cues, but the rhythm is, of course, not entrained to the 24-hour light–dark cycle in nature. The sleep–wake rhythm may, in these circumstances, become out of phase with other circadian or ultradian rhythms such as metabolic, hormonal, CNS electrical, or neurotransmitter rhythms.
Recent research has influenced the design of spacecraft environments, as systems that mimic the light–dark cycle have been found to be highly beneficial to astronauts.
Norwegian researchers at the University of Troms? have shown that some Arctic animals (ptarmigan, reindeer) show circadian rhythms only in the parts of the year that have daily sunrises and sunsets. In one study of reindeer, animals at 70 degrees North showed circadian rhythms in the autumn, winter and spring, but not in the summer. Reindeer on Svalbard at 78 degrees North showed such rhythms only in autumn and spring. The researchers suspect that other Arctic animals as well may not show circadian rhythms in the constant light of summer and the constant dark of winter.
A 2006 study in northern Alaska found that day-living ground squirrels and nocturnal porcupines strictly maintain their circadian rhythms through 82 days and nights of sunshine. The researchers speculate that these two rodents notice that the apparent distance between the sun and the horizon is shortest once a day, and, thus, a sufficient signal to entrain (adjust) by.
The navigation of the fall migration of the Eastern North American monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) to their overwintering grounds in central Mexico uses a time-compensated sun compass that depends upon a circadian clock in their antennae.[
Passage two
Industrialization is the system of production that has arisen from the steady development, study, and use of scientific knowledge. It is based on the division of labor and on specialization and uses mechanical, chemical, and power-driven, as well as organizational and intellectual, aids in production. The primary objective of this method of organizing economic life, which had its genesis in the mideighteenth century, has been to reduce the real cost, per unit, of producing goods and services. The resulting increases in output per manhour have been so large as to stagger the imagination. The average American worker today produces as much in half an hour as his British counterpart did in a whole working day a century ago, and that American worker has ten times as much industrial capital behind him as he would have had a century ago.
The history of economic change in the two hundred-odd years since the classical industrial revolution in England is varied and would have been difficult to predict. The ever-changing tides of technology, and the society that produces technical change, are manifestations of continuing growth of complexity in human specialization in all matters relating to economic life. Hence, by the 1960s two-thirds of the labor force in the United States worked in areas not concerned directly with the production of food and manufactured goods, compared with only 16 per cent of the labor force thus employed in 1820. European and Japanese industrial growth shows the same result in the occupational distribution of the labor force over time. Occupational diversity in nonmanufacturing life seems to be a product of industrialization wherever human society is free to respond to its own potentials as efficiency in economic life permits labor to go beyond direct production. What begins as mastery of basic mechanical technique ends by creating both the demands and the resources for a revolution in mass education and in science—a change in the “quality” of the labor force. Historical support for these general observations may be seen in the development and general characteristics of industrial society.
The phrase “industrial revolution” has long been used to identify the period roughly from 1750 to 1825, during which the accelerated application of mechanical principles, including steam power, to manufacturing in Great Britain produced an identifiable change in economic structure and growth. Workers were grouped together in factories using concentrations of capital equipment greater in cost and more efficient in operation than the capital equipment known in Britain earlier. These factories utilized a few mechanical innovations, primarily in textiles and iron manufacturing, which, with the application of the steam engine, made factory-sized scale the most economic size for the production unit. The proximity of others engaged in such manufacturing activities became a further cost-reducing factor of great importance, resulting in “external economies” that encouraged the grouping together of manufacturing enterprises and, hence, the growth of new urban aggregations. The result was that Britain rapidly became the first urbanized industrial state.
Since industry cannot grow without markets and sources of capital, similarities in the economic “preconditions” for industrial development have been identified. These bases for the development of an industrial sector include an available labor force, markets for finished production, access to raw materials (whether at home or through foreign trade), a source of investment funds (whether from the wealth and savings of the private sector, from the accumulations of the public sector, or from abroad), and, finally, access to technology. The last has in every case necessitated the extensive development of mass education, because access to technology on a large scale means, ultimately, access to science. In the long run, successful industrialization has been achieved in those nations which not only realized the preconditions but also were able to adapt to changes in technology which required extensive organizational flexibility on all levels. Examples of such necessary flexibility are antitrust laws, internal population migrations, and changes in representational balance due to shifts in the franchise.
Passage three
Perhaps the most notable event of the Cretaceous was its conclusion. About 65 million years ago the second greatest mass extinction in Earth history occurred, resulting in the loss of the dinosaurs as well as nearly 50% of all the world’s species. Though not nearly as severe as the end-Permian mass extinction, the end-Cretaceous extinction is the most famous mass extinction in Earth history. Other great animals also went extinct at that time, including flying reptiles (pterosaurs) and the last mosasaurs and plesiosaurs. Many mollusks, including rudistid and inoceramid clams, ammonites, and belemnites, also became extinct, as did many species of microscopic marine plankton. Terrestrial plants also suffered a major extinction at this time; in some regions up to 60% of latest Cretaceous plant species were absent in the subsequent Paleocene. Terrestrial insects also suffered a high level of extinction, especially those that were highly specialized to feed on one or a few types of plants. In fact, the level of insect herbivory—both generalized and specialized—did not recover to latest Cretaceous levels until the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, approximately 9 million years later. In spite of the severity of extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous, many types of animals and plants survived and gave rise to new groups of organisms in the Paleocene.
The causes of the end-Cretaceous extinction are still being debated by paleontologists. Researchers agree that a major factor was an asteroid about 10 kilometers in diameter that struck what is now the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. The effects of the impact were catastrophic, probably including global forest fires, possibly a period of cold weather due to sunlight-blocking dust and smoke, and a subsequent period of hot climate caused by the high levels of CO2 released into the atmosphere by the impact. Evidence for the devastation of terrestrial vegetation comes in the form of a thin rock layer deposited just after the impact that is dominated by fossil plants whose present-day relatives recover well after fires or other disturbances. Some paleontologists argue that dinosaurs were already in decline before the asteroid impact, so that its environmental effects merely hastened their extinction. Alternatively, others point to the high abundance and variety of dinosaur species recorded even in the sediments deposited just below the asteroid impact layer in the Hell Creek Formation of western North America.
Regardless of what caused the disappearance of the dinosaurs, the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous led the way for the rapid rise to dominance of new groups of organisms during the following time period, the Paleocene. In particular, Paleocene mammals would spread and evolve into the many ecological niches left open by the extinction of the dinosaurs.
deciphering=figuring out,
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