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小编: 328



Part 1 高频题解析


What do you usually do  when you have holidays?  

I’ll go shopping or  traveling. Since I live nearthe suburbs, I’ll also go to ride the bike near a  lake. It’s a great way to helpme get close to the nature.


Which public holidays do  you like the most? What’s your favorite festival?

I like the holiday of  spring festival because we can have a very long holiday.It’s also a time to  be together with family and relax. I’m always lookingforward to it.  


Do you likespending your  holidays alone or going out with friends?

I prefer going outdoors  because I usually stay indoors to work or study. It’sreally important for me  to breathe the fresh air and exercise my body duringholidays. Sometimes, I  would go on short trips to relax myself.  


Do you like reading  (books)? (Why?/Why not?)  

I used to, but now I’m  busy all the time, so I don’t spend a lot of timereading. I used to read  novels and they could help me enrich my life.


For children, what do you  think are the benefits of reading?

They can learn knowledge  and develop their imagination. I learned manyChinese characters from reading  when I was a child. I love history books.Through them, I leaned a lot of  history knowledge.  


Do you like receiving a  book as a gift?  

Yes, I think it’s nice to  get a book as a gift. I also like giving other peoplebooks as gifts. It’s a  great thing to share what we like with our good friends.


What books did you like to  read in your childhood?

When I was a child, I  loved cartoon books because the vivid illustrationscould always make me feel  that the stories were alive in front of me. I stillremember the book my mom  bought me when I was five. It’s called theboasting king. I still remember all  the details in that book.  

Part 2 高频题解析

Describe  a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.

You  should say,

Who  the person is

How  you know this person

What  the person is like

And  explain why you think the person is beautiful or handsome.

I’d like to talk about Jay  Chou, who is a famous singer in China. He is a talented singer because he  first brought R&B to China. In recent years his songs are becoming more  diversified. He likes adding some Chinese element into his works.

I first knew him when I  was in secondary school. During that period of time his songs were broadcast  in a lot of places like restaurant or shopping centre. He was really a hit at  that time.

Some people think Jay Chou  is just ordinary looking since he doesn’t has well-built figure and his face  is not that delicate. However I found him to be really charming because he’s  got really deep eyes and his expression looks gloomy all the time.

I find him handsome not only  because of his appearances and gloomy quality, but of his good personality.  He is a person who never stops trying new things. He made his own movie  called “the Secret” and won a lot of awards. Besides, he’s an accountable  person. Jay is from a single-parent family, living with his mother. He loves  his mother and grandparents very much. Every time he holds a concert, he  would reserve the best seat for his families. He even released an album  called Ye Hui Mei, which is named after his mother’s name.

Recent news said that he’s  gonna be married. I feel a little bit sad but I still wish him a happy  marriage.



What does  "success" mean to you? == How do you define success?

I think success means you  can achieve a goal that you set for yourself. This goal can be big or small.  For example, I want to be a manager. When I become a good manager, I can say  I’m successful.


Do you think a rich person  is the same as a "successful" person?

I think for some rich  people, yes. If they really worked hard towards their goals and made it, I  have to say they’re successful people. However, for some people, they’re just  born rich; it’s hard to say they’re successful. Also, I think, when a person  loses too many things to pursue money, we can’t say he’s successful either.

Do you think that  celebrities deserve to have their privacy?

Yes, definitely. Everyone  has the right to have their privacy. If the celebrities are watched all the  time, they might feel very difficult to do many things they like and have to  worry constantly. I think it’s not good for their mental health.

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