小编:南京环球雅思 249雅思写作提分之同义替换
南京环球雅思学校 陈颖老师
例: Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills to learn before doing your IELTS test.
同义替换:Prior to taking the IELTS test, mastering paraphrasing is one of the most crucial things to do.
在这个例子中,用同义词来进行词汇的替换,“crucial” 替换 “ important” ,” prior” 替换 “before”,以及改变语法和语序重新释义句子。因此,第二句和第一句虽然在用词、语法和语序上都不相同, 但是却表达了一样的意思。
同义词是指具有相同含义的不同词语, 用相同的含义替换单词以产生新的句子。例如,“individuals”是“people”的同义词,“tackle”是“solve”的同义词。例如:
—— My car needs petrol.
—— My vehicle requires fuel.
—— Violent crime is on the rise among teenagers.
—— Violent offence is rising among young people.
这个例子中把“teenagers”改成“young people”, 虽然这两个单词意思相似,但却不完全等同。青少年当然是年轻人,不过,年龄在18-30岁之间的青年人也可以称为年轻人,而Teenager通常是 “adolescents”or “young people between the ages of 13-19”。所以这句话应该改为:Violent offence is rising among adolescents.
1. 原句有多个从句时,则可以更改子句的顺序。
例:As languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out.
通过改变语序:There is a fear that many minority languages may die out, as languages such as Spanish, Chinese and English become more widely used.
改变语序以及使用同义词: There is a worry that many less used languages may pass away, as languages such as Chinese, English and Spanish become more broadly spoken.
2. 原句中有形容词或名词,可以选择改变单词的位置并添加一个从句。
例: Learning to manage money is one of the key aspects to adult life.
改变单词位置并加上从句:Learning to manage money is one of the aspects to adult life, which is the key.
例:Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people suggest that people over the age of sixty-five can continue to live full and active lives.
改变单词形式:Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people are suggesting that people over the age of sixty-five can continue living full and active lives.
例:The property developers invested $20 million in the development of the shopping centre.
改为被动语态: $20 million was invested in the development of shopping centre.