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小编:Jennifer 126



1、Childcare centers 托儿所/育儿中心

Kindergarten,  preschool 幼儿园/学前班(尤其是后者,往往指学前班)

Primary school, elementary school 小学

Secondary school, middle school 一般指的是中学阶段

Junior middle school, 初中

Senior middle, high school, senior high school, senior middle school, 都指高中

University, college 都是大学,通常在雅思写作中两者并无本质区别

Undergraduate college, 本科阶段

Postgraduate college, 研究生阶段


2、Shape a positive world view / develop positive value system 前者表示塑造一个积极的世界观,而后者的意思是发展一个积极的价值观。两个短语在教育类写作中,都被认为是现代教育的功能之一。

Besides academic knowledge, modern schooling can substantially help students develop positive value system, which is thought by educators much more significant than other things that students can gain in schools.



Versatile 形容词,多才多艺的。与其类似的词汇还有all-round 形容词,全面的(名词形式all-rounder 多面手),以及generalist 名词,多面手。

In this competitive society, versatile workforce with fairly high comprehensive quality is what most of employers are seeking for, instead of fresh graduates who are only equipped with theoretical knowledge. 在这个竞争激烈的社会,光懂点理论知识是混不下去的,必须要有很强的综合素质才可以出人头地的。如果需要论证为什么大学毕业生就业率低,就可以使用这个论点。

comprehensive quality 综合素质

fresh graduates 刚刚毕业的学生(应届毕业生)

theoretical knowledge 理论知识

Self-discipline 名词,自律。Self-control 名词,自控。discipline 名词,纪律。


School discipline (rules) is thought to be the key factor for students to develop (build) their self-discipline and self-control. 遵守纪律了,以后就能自律还能自控。其实我也不信,但是这不重要。


linguist 名词,语言学家,说多种语言的人

bilingual 名词,讲双语的人。形容词,双语的,如:bilingual education

multilingual 名词,说多国语言的人。形容词,多国语言的。

Bilingual education, where children are all taught in both English and their mother tongue, is much sought after by parents in non-English speaking countries.

PS:  be sought after 被追捧


immersion education / immersion bilingual education 浸泡式双语学习

English immersion classes 浸泡式英语课程

再给大家分享两个关于语言学习的,考官写的段落:(来自剑9-text one)

The obvious argument in its favor is that young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers. Their brains are still programmed to acquire their mother tongue, which facilitates learning another language, and unlike adolescents, they are not inhibited by self-consciousness.

PS:  pick up languages (动宾结构)毫不费力地学习语言

facilitate (及物动词)使...变得方便或容易

self-consciousness (名词)自觉意识

The greater flexibility of the primary timetable allows for more frequent, shorter sessions and for a play-centred approach, thus maintaining learners’ enthusiasm and progress. Their command of the languages in later life will benefit from this early exposure, while learning other languages subsequently will be easier for them. They may also gain a better understanding of other cultures.

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