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小编:南京环球雅思 119


  在英语写作过程中,学生们为了使自己的文章显得更有文采,常常会运用到一些固定句型。如果能运用的恰到好处,能为文章增色不少,但有些固定句型并没有实际的意义,反而能使文章读起来觉得废话多、更加累赘。为了让句子显得更加简洁有力,我们在写作中应尽量避免使用这些没有实际意义的固定句型,如but, not only...but also, if, although, even though, so...that, in order to, there be..., the fact that...等等,多使用一些有实际意义且生动形象的动词、名词或短句。当然,并不是说不能用这些单词、词组或句式结构,而是过度使用就会显得十分公式化、套路化,导致句式缺乏变化,没有新意。下面,就结合一些例句,来说明应该在何种情况下避免使用这些句型,来达到句式灵活变化的目的。

  如何避免使用but和not only...but also...

  单词but和词组“not only...but also...”都表转折,大多数情况下,这个词(组)完全可以用另外的形式(如使用not、分号或简化的定语从句)来表达,以使句式更加丰富。

  原句:The children at school were familiar with many games, but Li Hua had never even heard of them.

  修改:The children at school were familiar with many games (that) Li Hua had never even heard of.


  原句:The room was silent, but suddenly there was a clap of thunder outside.

  修改:The silence of the room was broken by a sudden clap of thunder outside.

  点评:原句仍然是用but连接的并列句,将其改成简单句。首先,需要添加一个合适的谓语,此句及break,那么对应的主语则变成了the silence of the room,用被动句将其组合。

  原句:They were passionate lovers not only onstage but also offstage.

  修改:They were passionate lovers onstage and offstage/off.

  点评:not only...but also...和and都可以表示承接关系,在短句中,and则显得更加简洁。

  原句:Outside the cinema, she lit a cigarette, not necessarily because she had a desire to smoke, but because she felt the need for warmth.

  修改:Outside the cinema, she lit a cigarette, as much from the need for warmth as from a desire to smoke.

  点评:原句想表达的意思较少,却觉得词相对较多,读起来较为累赘。将原句的not because...but...修改成as much from...as from...使得句子表达意思更加突出清晰。

  原句:It was meant to be a brief kiss, but it turned into a long, lingering one.

  修改:What was meant to be a brief kiss turned into a long, lingering one.


  原句:Music lightens life, but literature deepens it.

  修改:Music lightens life; literature deepens it.




  原句:We decided to take a taxi because we missed the bus by a second.

  修改:Missing the bus by a second, we decided to take a taxi.


  原句:Because my schedule was so busy, I was not able to attend Susan’s birthday party.

  修改:My schedule did not allow me to attend Susan’s birthday party.


  原句:The boy spent all his savings on the latest iPhone model and because of that he is envied by his friends.

  修改:The boy spent all his savings on the latest iPhone model and became the envy of his friends.

  点评:此句将because of that he is envied变成became the envy of his friends。虽然仍是并列句,但省略一个主句,使其简洁。而原句的be envied变成the envy of,由动词变成名词形式,更加书面化。

  原句:My cousin is going to compete in “China’s Got Talent” because his singing is so good.

  修改:My cousin’s singing is good enough to compete in “China’s Got Talent.”

  点评:将状语从句改成be good enough to do,会更加地道。


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