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小编:长安 158

  有几百年历史的城镇,似乎距离我们很遥远, 但是仔细一想你脚下的这片热土早已饱经风霜,只是你没有意识到而已。本次考题的难度较为有限,首先城市发展与规划方面的话题算是较为常见。



  There are many towns and cities designed and constructed in previous centuries, and they are suitable for those times。 What problems are caused by this today? And how to solve these problems?

  Visiting ancient towns and cities is seemingly thought as an significant part of people’s traveling plans, whereas talking about settling down there people surely will begin to doubt whether living there is possible and whether comfortable or not。



  Eventually, residents in old towns and cities built and planned long time ago are confronted with quite a number of problems。 To begin with, narrow streets there were designed before modern transports’ popularity, leading to the fact that an efficient public transport system cannot be applied。 In addition, pipelines for natural gas and heating system, two considerably important social services for modern lifestyle, cannot be in harmony with constructions built hundreds of years ago。 Metropolis in history are usually horizontal ones without any high-rise buildings, and thus relatively smaller population is able to be accommodated there, which is absolutely against urbanization regarded as main task for most of governments worldwide。


  It seems easy that governments can utilize modern technology to modify old towns and cities for providing local people with much more comfortable living conditions。

  Rebuilding like this, nevertheless, definitely ruins what our ancestors left us。

  Instead, governments should make every effort to preserve old towns and cities,and strictly control the population of who are willing to accept ancient lifestyle and settle down there。 Adjacent to old towns and cities, modern cities should be planned by governments where residents can share more social resource and enjoy more convenience brought by usage of high-tech in our daily life。 Only by this way, can those cultural heritages be protected perfectly。


  Reforming old towns and cities with a couple of hundred years' history is completely an unwise decision。 Meanwhile, as for who like to enjoy a modern,comfortable and convenient lifestyle, moving out of old places seems like the only solution。


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