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雅思A类大作文考试题目:watching TV



小编:宫雅洁 260


题目:Children can learn effectively through watching TV. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch TV regularly both at home and in school.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is generally believed that children can acquire knowledge effectively by TV. Thus, some people contend that children should spend regular time on TV in school as well as at home. However, I can not agree with this opinion.

Admittedly, watching TV can help children broaden their horizon and enrich their life experience. For most children, courses at school seem more boring while TV programs could be more interesting due to  funny plots, interesting characters and sound effects. But there are some certain dangers in exposing children to TV regularly both at home and in school.

In the first place, watching too much TV impairs the health of children. As a mat-ter of fact, many children become short-sighted at an early age simply because they spend too much time staring at the TV screen. Besides, sitting in front of television for a long time is detrimental to children's body postures. For instance, the youth who watched TV a lot are usually  humpbacked.

In addition, watching TV exerts negative impacts on children's studies. Conse-quently, it is unwise that parents and teachers allow children to watch TV pro-grams  at home and in school. Since children are extremely lack of self-control abilities, they are easily distracted and affected by the content displayed on the TV, so that they are not able to concentrate on their studies, which would gener-ate detrimental effects on their academic studies such as failing to complete the assignments and the like. What is more, spending time watching TV can takes time away from traditional teaching in school and reading activities at home. Compared with those learning activities, watching TV is not as effective as them. Children may find it difficult to remember too much information at a time through TV.  For most children, it is enough for them to understand knowledge which they learn at school and it may even become an extra burden on students if they are forced to watch more TV programs.

To sum up, children should not be encouraged to watch TV regularly both in school and at home considering that watching TV affects their health condition and studies. Provided that TV programs are utilized to stimulate students' inter-est in studies, parents and teachers should control the time spent on TV and the content in programs.

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