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小编:Hosea 356


  1. support 支持

  back, be behind, in support of , back sb up

  2. unpleasant 引起反感的

  offensive, horrible, disgusting, revolting

  3.inadequate 不足的

  not enough, too little, few, be short

  4. predict 预测

  anticipate, forecast, foretell, projected

  5.develop 发展,生长

  come from, derive from, originate, be based on

  6. enable使能够

  allow, permit, pave the way for

  7. class 种类

  type, kind, category, variety

  8. strategy 方法,策略

  way, method, approach, techinique

  9. rehearsal 排练

  practice, training, run-through, exercise

  10. combine 联合

  mix, whisk, dilute, beat

  11. reduce 减少

  decrease, drop, fall, cut

  12. purpose 目的

  aim, point, idea, object

  13. occur 发生

  happen, take place, there is, turn up

  14. objective 客观的

  impartial, neutral, unbiased, disinterested

  15. expand 扩张

  get bigger, grow, swell up, stretch

  16. comment 评论

  remark, point, statement, declaration

  17. situation 情况

  circumstance, position, case, plight

  18. include 包含

  consist of, comprise, be composed of

  19. official 正式的

  formal, authorized, on record, ceremonial

  20. pick out 认出

  identify, recognize, know, tell

  21. agree 同意

  concur, go along with, fall in with, go with

  22. limit 限制

  minimize, the most, ceiling, maximum

  23. significance 重要性

  impressive, meaning, sense

  24. different 独特的

  individual, vary, contrast with, diverse

  25. devise 创造

  formulate, invent, create, come up with

  26. direct 指导

  guide, lead, instruct, give order

  27. correspond 一致

  be consist of, coincide, match up

  28. beam 光线

  laser, ray, glow, glare

  29. aim 目的

  direct at, purpose, point, goal

  30. city 城市

  metropolitan, urban, village, civic

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