小编:长安 150 1月雅思口语考试的大多数新题已经浮出水面了,这是环球教育杨鑫老师更新的第二版,小伙伴赶紧收藏,分秒必争最好备考啦!下面就来看目前都有哪些必考题目吧~
Part 1 超高频新题:
Dictionary (经常用字典吗?经常带字典吗?喜欢电子字典还是纸质的?怎么学习的用字典?)
Sleep (每天睡多少小时?够吗?睡多久对身体好?老年人睡的多,还是年轻人睡的多?怎么提高睡眠质量?)
Outdoor activities / doing exercise (经常运动吗?怎么运动?身边的人喜欢运动吗?中国小朋友或青少年运动的够吗?)
Lateness (你守时吗?有迟到经历吗?什么可能导致你迟到?在你的文化中,守时重要吗?)
Future job/ideal job (儿时理想是什么?梦想的工作是什么?有可能实现吗?做过兼职工作吗?)
Application on mobile phone (经常用App吗?你需要什么样的App?想自己设计App吗?)
Animals (对什么野生动物感兴趣?有宠物吗?孩子们应该学习一些关于动物的知识吗?经常去动物园吗?)
Daily transport (平时怎么上学啊?今天怎么来的考场?经常坐什么公共交通?在公共交通上面都干什么?)
Part 1 必考老题
Study or work
Boat &boating
High school life
Family activities / staying at home
News, newspapers, magazines
Computers and Internet
Daily routine
Rainy days
Sport / swim
Part 2 超高频新题:
A person who often visits your home (a visitor of your home) (an occasion when someone visited your home)
A popular person you know / famous person you know
A public place that needs to be improved
An important river or lake in your country
A country or a city you want to work in or live in
A place in your city that you like to visit
A toy you had in your childhood
A photo you can remember clearly
Something important you learned from a person or in a place (not from your school or class)
The season you like most in a year
A good decision (有待完善)
A recent development in your city
A piece of technology you like using (not a computer)
A skill that is important but you have not learned in school or at work
A historical period you are interested in of your country
An impressive (historical) story someone told you
Something interesting that happened in your school
Aspecial day out which did not cost too much
A TV program you like
A happy service you got recently
A time when you had to be polite
An unforgettable dinner you had
A time when you were late for something
A sportsman (疑似)
An important event that you celebrated before
Part 2 重现老题
A businessman you admire
A good parent you know
A knowledgeable person you know
An ideal house or apartment you like to live in
Something you bought recently that made you happy
A piece of furniture in your home
A plant you like
A kind of weather you like most (疑似)
A rule or regulation you like or dislike in your school or company
A science subject you learned in your high school
A way to stay healthy
An exciting book
An advertisement
An important letter
Positive comments someone gave you
An occasion when you helped someone
An experience you taught someone old (a friend or a relative) (疑似)
A time you moved to a new home or school
A traditional product in your country
A park or garden