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今天这篇文章会和大家聊到在咱们留学生活或者移民之后在国外生活必不可少的,去超市购物时候需要怎么样和别人沟通或者自己想找到想要的东西。在澳洲这样的国家咱们买平时的事物都是去超市这样的地方,而非国内的菜市场,特别是家禽之类的肉食品根本不会有新鲜宰杀的,都是超市速冻产品。所以选择看清自己的想要的非常重要。其次在根据超市里的指示牌号选择到我们需要的东西之后,了解怎么find your way out 去顺利结账。

Supermarkets are large stores that sell a large variety of (很多种类) products that cover all aspects of your daily life (覆盖了你所有日常生活方面的)from fresh or packaged food to consumer or household items. With the convenience they brought to the modern lives, supermarkets are playing an increasingly important role in revolutionizing the lifestyle.


Main Aisles/ Section 主要的通道/ 分区

An 'aisle' is a corridor between shelves of products. (货架)They usually have a board indicating the aisle or numbers- often hanging from the ceiling above.




1)Produce 农产品:fresh fruit & vegetables

2)Frozen food 冷冬食品:ice-cream, pizzas, frozen vegetables

3)Bulk food 散装食品:peanuts, sweets, snacks (这里包括的是咱们看见自己取袋子包装的食物,所以是自己选择)

4)Baking: 烘烤材料类: (鉴于西方人基本每家都有Oven烤箱,所以在国外超市你会看见很多各类烘烤材料)pre-packaged goods such as flour, sugar, salt and chocolate biscuits

5)Breads 面包类:packaged breads, cakes, sausage rolls, pastries 糕点, bagels 面包圈

6)Meat and seafood 肉类和海鲜:packaged beef, chicken, pork& fish (在肉类区域都是新鲜散装肉类,你想要多少可以直接和柜员沟通,帮你拿称取,所以在次强调没有现杀的,这是为了保证减少禽流感)

7)Deli 熟食:freshly sliced meats and cheeses ( you can tell the butcher how much you want)

8) Bakery 新鲜烘烤类:fresh breads, muffins, cakes, pastries to order

9) Dairy 乳制品:milk, eggs, dairy, yogurt (澳洲的新鲜牛奶那是相当便宜,基本2dollars 可以买2升的)

10)Pasta and rice 米面类:spaghetti, penne, wild rice, whole wheat pasta (意大利面条,通心粉,野生稻,全麦面包)

11)Ethnic foods 进口食品:foods from around the world(从世界其他地区进口的食品,一般特别大的超市会有这个区域标注)

12)Canned foods 罐头食品:beans, pasta sauce, canned fruit and vegetables

13) Condiments 调料:ketchup 番茄酱, BBQ sauce, salad dressings, oil,番茄酱不仅仅可以使用Tomato sauce 还可以用ketchup!

14) Snacks 零食:crisps, packaged sweets, biscuits, crackers膨化食品统称

15)Cereal 麦片类:boxed breakfast cereals and bars, oats, granola

16) Beverages 饮料:juice, soft-drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol

17) Household items 家具用品:toilet paper, tissue paper 餐巾纸, rubbish bags, detergent, nappies

18)Health, beauty and pharmacy 洗护用品:make up, deodorant 除臭用品,feminine products 女性用品,medicine.


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