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小编: 86667
摘要:Task 1

1. Describe an activity that you enjoy doing together with your family. Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your response.

Task 1

1. Describe an activity that you enjoy doing together with your family. Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your response.


The one activity that I enjoy doing together with my family is to go camping in nearby mountain or in a national park.

The first reason is that go camping provides a chance to experience the nature. Nowadays, seems all of us have been trapped with tons of stuff to do. Running away from the city and camping in a rural mountain brings another fun way to relax.

Another thing is that camping also helps develop the kindred relationship. Most of time we spend time with family members in a relatively comfortable place. Have to setup the campfire and cook with limited materials make us learn more about our family.

2Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. Explain how this person influenced your life. Include details and examples to support your response.


The person who I look up as a role model is my father.

Since young, he is the person who I spend the most time with. He taught me how to be a man and how to shoulder the responsibility for the family. He has been my hero and watched me to grow to the man who I am now today.

Another reason is that my father is successful businessman. I learnt everything from him about how to do business. He even taught me how to choose a stock, like when to buy in and when to sell out.

3. Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.


1. college entrance exam succeeded

2. be the winner of competitions in your school

3. successfully did the first dish well

4. What are the benefits of talking to older family members?


I personally believe there are two main benefits of talking older family members.

First, elders have profound living experience. Just imaging when you don’t know how to cook a decent crispy beef fillet, your older family members can solve the problem with only one or two simple techniques.

In addition, you can also acquire some techniques when you talk to older family members. For example, when I was a child, my grandfather often told me that there is a battle between cold and hot element, which means don’t put boiled water in a cold glasses. So I remembered.

5. Choose ONE of the forms of the technology in the list and tell why it has great impact on people's lives in your ? Airplane, computer or television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.





l   Time-saving for business trip and traveling

l   Boost the global logistics

l   The worldwide information and data is becoming easier to access.

l   Online education

l   Online shopping

l   Improve office efficiency

l   A kind of entertainment

l   A kind of entertainment

l   News informer

6. Among the following three types of work, which would you enjoy doing the most? Helping children with communication problems, doing community work, growing plants in the garden.


Help children

Community work

Growing plants

1. enjoy the time with child, feel sense of achievement.

1. doing community work help

1. Do good cause to the environment.

2. a better communication skills is vital for one’s future, have more importance.

2. doing community helps one’s resume or future job or getting to a better university.

2. have a chance to get close to nature, something which can’t be obtained in ordinary job

7. Which challenge in the list do you think is the most difficulties for the university students? Being far away from families, finding time to relax, making new friends.


Being far away from families

Finding time to relax

Making new friends

1.     Homesick

2.     Hard to get involved in the new environment.

1.         Spend time on adjusting themselves to the campus life.

2.         Pressures from learning new courses. Suffer from doing assignment.

3.         Don’t have enough money to spend on relaxation.

1.          depend on the person’s personality. (eg. timid and introvert)

2.          one’s energy is limited. If he/ she spend much time on dealing with the causes and lectures, it’s hard for them to spare time making friends.

8. Is it a good idea to keep a pet such as a dog or a cat? What can you benefit from such an experience?


I suppose that having a pet at home is a good idea for the following reasons.

Firstly, with the company of pets, children can cultivate their feeling of love; adults can relieve their tension; and old people will not feel lonely anymore. In the second place, some pets have the abilities to help people. For example, guide dogs can lead ways for blinds; watchdogs can guard houses; cats can catch mice. Therefore, it would be a great experience to have such pets like dogs or cats at home.

9. What suggestions would you give to your friend who wants to improve his/her scores in class?


1.     take notes in class and go over them after class.

2.     Think by oneself and never copy other people’s homework.

3.     Get rid of procrastination (拖延症)

10. Describe a historical event that you’re interested in most. Explain why you are interested in it and want to know more about it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.


The historical event that I’m interested in most is Ping Pong diplomacy.

The first reason is that it is both a historical and political event which happened back in the 70’s last century, a period of history has been mysteriously covered for some odd reasons and I want to know more about it.

Another thing is that it is a historical event which a group American Ping Pong players had friendly matches in China. This led to the formal communication later between China and US. I am fascinated by the fact that a small Ping Pong ball could have such a huge impact.  

11. What kind of activity do you enjoying doing most at school? Explain why you enjoy doing this activity.


Among all of the after-school activities I enjoy/am interested in Cheering Squad the most, even it’s a pretty new activity in China. There are three main reasons why I enjoy it. Firstly, to be a cheerleader is the dream of every girl even if the practices are long and hard. Secondly, this activity is a perfect example of a well-balanced combination of dance and athletics, so not only do students can stay in shape, but also express their individual creativity. Thirdly, participating in this activity can develop a sense of team-spirit, because it is necessary for students to learn how to co-operate with each other in order to provide the audience with the best possible performance. Those are the reasons why I enjoy this activity the most. I really hope to Participate in the international competition one day through my hard work.

12. Our society is now facing very serious environment problems. Choose one approach that you believe to be useful to save our planet.


In my opinion, one approach that could be useful to save our planet is to improve energy efficiency.

Energy problem has been a huge issue in environme

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