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雅思写作The psychology of innovation



小编:张依甜 2323

阅读真题和雅思写作不得不说的关系-思路篇。这次我们要来说的是剑10 Test 1 Reading Passage 3,The psychology of innovation。

文章开头段就说了Innovation is key to business survival, and companies put substantial resources into inspiring employees to develop new ideas. There are, nevertheless, people working in luxurious, state-of-the-art centers designed to stimulate innovation who find that their environment doesn't make them feel at all creative. And there are those who don't have a budget, or much space, but who innovate successfully.



1)Managing innovation is a delicate art. It is easy for a company to be pulled in conflicting directions as the marketing, product environment, and finance departments each get different feedback form different sets of people. And without a system which ensures collaborative exchanges within the company, it is also easy for small "pockets of innovation" to disappear. 管理创新是一门微妙的艺术。当市场,产品开发以及财务部门分别在不同人群获得不同反馈时,公司很可能陷入一种相矛盾的境地。缺少公司内部的协作交换机制,也很容易让小的创新项目消失。

2)It has been scientifically proven that three people will be better than one at solving problems, even if that one person is the smartest person in the field. 科学研究也表明,在解决问题方面,三个人比单个人更好,即使那个人是该领域最聪明的。

3)Teamwork taps into one of the basic drivers of human behavior. The principle of social proof is so persuasive that we don't even recognize it. Peer power, used horizontally not vertically, is much more powerful than any boss's speech. 合作是人类行为的的基本驱动力之一。社会认同的原则如此普遍,甚至不会被我们发现。横向而非纵向私用或办理量,要比任何老板的话语更加有力。

4)Writing, visualizing and prototyping can stimulate the flow of new ideas. Something as simple as writing deepens every individual's engagement in the project. This is why all those competitions on breakfast cereal packets encourage us to write in saying good comments. The very act of writing makes us more likely to believe it. 写作,想象和原型描述都可以激发新的想法。写作也会加深每一个个体在项目中的参与度。这就是为什么那些早餐麦片的竞争商家都会鼓励我们写好的评价。着一些写作行为让我们更可能相信他。

5) Many theorists believe the ideal boss should lead from behind, taking pride in collective accomplishment and giving credit where it is due. Leaders should encourage everyone to contribute and simultaneously assure all concerned that every recommendation is important to making the right decision and will be given full attention. The frustrating thing about innovation is that there are many approaches, but no magic formula. However, a manager who wants to create a truly innovative culture can make their job a lot easier by recognizing these psychological realities. 许多理论家认为,理想的老板应该在幕后进行领导,为团队成就感到自豪并在恰当的时候给予赞扬。领导者应该鼓励每一个人做出贡献,同时向每位成员确保:每一个建议对于做出正确决策都是重要的,会得到充分的关注。令人沮丧的是,创新有很多种方法,但并不存在神奇的公式。但是通过认识到这些心理层面的真相,希望创立真正创新文化的管理者就可以使自己的工作更为轻松。


1)Authority does not have to inhibit innovation but it often does. The wrong kind of leadership will lead to the regrettable tendency of team members to opt out of team responsibilities that are properly theirs. 权威并不是抑制创新,但实际上却经常如此。错误的领导方式会导致团队成员倾向于选择不承担本应属于他们的责任。

2)At the other end of the scale is the 1980s Memphis design collective, a group of young designers for whom " the only rule was that there were no rules". This environment encouraged a free interchange of ideas, which led to more creativity with form, function color and materials that revolutionized attitudes to furniture design. 完全相反的情况是20世纪80年代孟菲斯的设计团队,他们是一群年轻的设计师,对他们而言,唯一的规则就是没有规则。这种环境鼓励思想的自由交换,激发了在行驶,功能,颜色以及材料方面更多的创造性,也颠覆了家居设计的理念。

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