

英语学习最重要的目的是沟通交流,社交中经常用到哪些用语呢?南京环球教育为考生整理了雅思听力考试中的社交类词汇汇总,希望可以帮助大家。久仰!I've heard so much about you.好久不见了!...【详情】【我要提问】

  雅思考试中不少数同学都为Heading题而纠结,尤其是长段落的句子,怎么读都读不出主旨。下面环球教育老师为大家整理了雅思阅读Heading题的小技巧,备考雅思的同学参考看哦。  Heading tips...【详情】【我要提问】

56.怎样合理地准备场景词汇?    场景词汇的准备主要通过以下两个方面进行:一、剑桥真题的精听训练。将录音中的重要词汇挑出来整理记忆。很多学生都有一个“误区”,即在听题...【详情】【我要提问】

55.什么叫场景词汇?是否重要?        雅思考试的听、读、写、说四项都有自己侧重 的词汇考查,“场景词汇”就是雅思听力考试的侧重 点。因为每段录音都会被放在某一类场...【详情】【我要提问】

54.听力考试中有哪些不得不重视的“送 分题”?       这些“送分题”通常指的是每次必考的一些基 础信息填空题,又称“黄金出题点”。比如:names, address, numbers, dates,...【详情】【我要提问】

53.听力考试要注意哪些格式问题?    一般来说考试中要注意的格式问题有:1. 首字 母大写。这类问题主要是“常识性问题”,如 names, address, major, country, nationality和month等...【详情】【我要提问】

41. Describe an important conversation you had.You should say:who you talked withwhat you talked aboutwhy the conversation is importantand explain how this conversation influenced ...【详情】【我要提问】

39. Describe an activity that helps you to keep fit.You should say:whatthe activity iswhen and where you do itand explain how this activity helps you to keep fit. 40. Describe...【详情】【我要提问】

37. Describe something you did in a hurry.You should say:what you didwhen you did itwhy you did it in a hurryand explain how you felt about it. 38. Describe a time you waited for...【详情】【我要提问】

35. Describe a change that will improve your local area.You should say:what the change iswhy the change is neededwhether there will be any problems associated with the changeand...【详情】【我要提问】


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