

52.听力考试有哪些高频场景?    听力考试场景主要分为两类——生活(social or survival)和学术(academic)。其中四大类“超高频”生活场景主要是咨询、旅游、求职和住宿。当然也...【详情】【我要提问】

51. 听力考试的主要题型有哪些?      从整体上分类的话,听力考试主要有两种题型, 即填空和选择。在最近几年的听力考试中,这两种题 型的比例基本持平。如果将题型细化的话,...【详情】【我要提问】

50.雅思口试中真的都是口语吗?       雅思口试是很正式的考试,所以不可能完全是 口语,尤其是第二部分的独白内容,会出现一些书面 语演讲的感觉。试想一下,你进去对着考官来...【详情】【我要提问】

49.雅思口语有哪些常见主题?     雅思口语第一部分最常见的主题会涉及家乡、学 业、工作、未来计划、兴趣爱好等。由于是短对话, 问题不会很难。但是第二部分就麻烦了,主题什么都 ...【详情】【我要提问】

33. Describe a small successful company.You should say:what company it iswhat it doeshow you got to know about this companyand explain why you think this company is successful. 34....【详情】【我要提问】

31. Describe an indoor game you played when you were a child.You should say:what the game waswhen and where you played ithow you played itand explain why you enjoyed this game. 32....【详情】【我要提问】

29. Describe a family photo.You should say:when and where it was takenwhere it is placedand explain how you feel about this photo. 30. Describe a gift for someone that took you a...【详情】【我要提问】

27. Describe something useful you borrowed from someone else.You should say:what it iswho you borrowed fromwhy you borrowed itand explain why it is useful to you. 28. Describe...【详情】【我要提问】


今天,南京环球教育为大家带来雅思写作小作文句型解析,希望对大家有所帮助。  一、比较不同的数据,使用比较级1. In managerial positions, there are more males than females.  2. A...【详情】【我要提问】


  • 2019雅思评分标准
  • 2019雅思听力
  • 2019雅思写作
  • 2019雅思阅读
  • 2019雅思口语