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小编:孔菲 576





Communal online encyclopedias represent one of the latest resources to be found on the Internet. They are in many respects like traditional printed encyciopedias, however, is that any internet user can contribute a new article or make an editorial change in an existing one. As a result, the encyclopedia is authored by the whole community of Internet users. The idea might sound attractive, but the communal online encyclopedias have several important problems that make them much less valuable than traditional, printed encyclopedias

First, contributors to a communal online encyclopedia often lack academic credentials, thereby making their contributioins partially informed at best and downright inaccurate in many cases. Traditional encyclopedias are written by trained experts who adhere to standards of academic

rigor that nonspecialists cannot really achieve.

Second, even if the original entry in the online encyclopedia is correct, the communal nature of these online encyclopedias gives unscrupulous users and vandals or hackers the opportunity to fabricate, delete, and corrupt information in the encyclopedia. Once changes have been made to the original text, an unsuspecting user cannot tell the entry has been tampered with. None of this is possible with a traditional encyclopedia.

Third, the communal encyclopedias focus too frequently, and in too great a depth, on trivial and popular topics, which created a false impression of what is important and what is not. A child doing research for a school project may discover that a major historical event receives as much attention in an online encyclopedia as, say, a single long-running television program. The traditional encyclopedia provides a considered view of what topics to include or exclude and contains a sense of proportion that online "democratic" communal encyclopedias do not.


明确文章的谈论对象,"不要害怕"有些人不认识谈论对象,如: encyclopedia, Terreya taxifolia, Edmonotosaurus等。


比如TPO6综合写作阅读文章第一段的时候,有一句话对encyclopedia做了解释,:They are in many aspects like traditional printed encyclopedias, collections of articles on various subjects.


但当学生生读完Paleontologists have proposed that one of the most common North Slope dinosaurs, the elephant-sized edmontosaur  (Edmontosaurus), survived the  winter  by migrating  south  to  more  hospitable regions.

这句话之后 ,马上就能知道它是一种和大象形状类似的恐龙 。



but the communal online encyclopedias have several important problems that make them much less valuable than traditional, printed encyclopedias




分论点一 contributors to a communal online encyclopedia often lack academic credentials

分论点二 fabricate, delete, and corrupt information in the encyclopedia

分论点三 the communal encyclopedias focus on trivial and popular topics



分论点一 lack academic credentials。

making their contributions partially informed at best and downright inaccurate in many cases

Traditional encyclopedias are written by trained experts who adhere to standards of academic

rigor that nonspecialists cannot really achieve.

分论点二fabricate, delete, and corrupt information in the encyclopedia

unscrupulous users and vandals or hackers

an unsuspecting user cannot tell the entry has been tampered with

分论点三 focus on trivial and popular topics

created a false impression of what is important and what is not

The traditional encyclopedia provides a considered view of what topics to include or exclude

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