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小编:长安 308

  那些10月份需要考雅思的全球烤鸭们,环球教育林迁老师建议你按照此10月份预测来备考,Part 1共32个话题左右。

  Part 1

  1. Name


  name?Your full name?What shall/can I call you?

  2. Study or work/subject

  Are you studying or working?Some differences between your expectations?Difficulties in your study?


  3. Hometown


  4. home


  5. mobile phone




  7. outdoor game


  Outdoor games /activities?Do you prefer to study alone or with a group?Encourage outdoor activity?Will you let your children play in outdoor?

  8. Singing

  Do you like singing?Do Chinese people like singing?Who is your favorite singer?

  9. birthday


  10. noise

  What kind of noise you don't like?Describe a particular noise you like or dislike?How you feel about noise when you are working?


  11. newspaper /magazine

  Do you read magazines or newspapers?what you read and why?Do you think magazines and newspapers will exist 50 years from now?


  12. flower


  13. hat


  Do you often wear hats?do you like to wear hats?Is wearing hats popular in your country?Do people wear hats for fashion or practice?

  14. drawing


  15. walk

  Do you like walking?有没有walk途中的experience?walk途中遇到过有趣的事情么?

  16.sunny days

  Do you like rainy days or sunny days?


  Do you see lots of ads in your city?

  Do you like to watch ads on TV?

  Do you ever wanna to buy sth. Because of an ad?

  Do you think think it is a good thing to see ads on the internet?

  18. Gift

  When do Chinese people sent gifts?

  Is it hard for you to pick a gift?

  Have you ever sent gifts made by hand?


  19. snacks


  Why?Wwhat's your favorite snack?What's the standard in choosing snacks?When do you eat snacks?

  20. color

  What's your favorite color ?Do you like dark colors or light colors ?Do you mind the color of your car ?What's the color of your room ?Is color important in your life ?

  颜色在你买东西的时候会不会影响你? 不会在家里用什么颜色?在你小时候颜色对你重要吗?

  21. chocolate

  Do you like Chocolate?How often do you eat?why?why chocolate is popular?do you sent chocolate as gift?

  22.  future job

  What's your future job?why?

  23.  reading


  24. water activity


  25. relaxing


  26. photograph

  What do you do with ur photographs?do you have many photos?what do you do with them?

  27. teachers

  Who is your favorite teacher?


  28. handcraft

  Did you ever made anything by hand when you were a child?do children in your country often make things by hand?Do you think it is very useful for children to make things by hand? is there anything that you would like to make by hand in the future?

  29. visitors

  Do you often invite friends to visit your home? Do you like visitors coming to your home?do you prefer to have friends or relatives? what do you usually do together with your visitors?

  30. taxi or bus

  Do you usually travel by bus or taxi?and which one do you prefer?last time you traveled with bus or taxi?is it easier to take a bus or taxi near your home?

  31. weekends


  32. bags

  Do you like bags?what kind of bags do you like?

  Do you have different bags for different occasions?

  Part 2 & 3


  1. 描述对你有一个影响的人(describe a person who has influenced you)

  part3 …待定…

  2. 描述一个名人(Describe a famous person )

  part3 如何成名,名人应该有自己的隐私么?

  3. 描述一个你敬佩的人(describe a person you admire)

  what qualities should a leader have?how to be a leader in the society?how to be a leader in the society?did leader have dis-moral value these days?

  4. 描述你想共处一个人(a person you want to spend time with )

  5. 描述一个你认识的人(describe a person who you have met and want to know more about)


  part3 人们通常通过什么方式去认识,你认为交朋友最重要的是什么?你喜欢和有共同兴趣的人交朋友吗?

  6. 描述一个让你laugh的人(describe a person made you laugh )


  part3 喜剧在中国流行么,为什么流行,为什么喜剧会用在广告里?为什么有些事情有些人觉得好笑另外一些人觉得不好笑?你觉得男人和女人之间的笑点有区别吗,为什么会不一样?

  7. 描述你的一个好品质(describe a good part of your personality or character)

  8. 描述你认识的一个人他/她第一次搬到独立的一个住处的情况(who, why he/she moved to his/her own accommodation?how does he/she think of the accommodation?what problems she/he may encounter?)

  part3 人们第一次搬出去自己住一般是什么原因?人们自己住的时候会克服什么困难之前没遇到过的?人们自己住需要什么skills?对于你来说在学校和在外面住有何不同的感受?

  9. 描述一个创新的发明家或者音乐家(describe a creative inventor or musician)

  part3 tell me the benefits for kids to master a musical instrument?are you are creative person?could you name some creative jobs?

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