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小编:长安 308


  1. 描述你家保存的一个重要东西(describe sth. Important kept for a long time in your family)

  part3 博物馆怎么使人受教育?中国人怎么维系情感,老年人和年轻人喜欢什么东西,为啥?

  2. 描述一个房子里的设备 (describe an equipment in house/an important machine /equipment you usually use)

  part2  家里都是什么设备?

  3. describe a thing you shared with others

  You should say:

  When you shared

  Who you shared with

  Why you shared with the person

  How you felt when you shared

  part3 孩子应该分享东西和others?和别人分享accommodation?

  4. 描述让你满意的产品(describe sth. You bought you were pleased with)

  part3 经常购物吗,以前与现在相比购物方式有什么不同?网购这么方便为什么还要建大型购物商场?人们为什么要买奢侈品?你觉得价格贵的产品质量就好嘛?认为降价怎么样,哪些地方可以讲价?

  5. 描述第一次吃某种食物的经历(describe a kind of food that you ate at your first time)

  part3 人们对食物的态度


  6. 描述你感兴趣的科目(describe an area of subject that you are interested in)

  7. 描述一张自己的照片(describe a photo of yours)

  part3 喜欢照相么,现在的人用什么照相?为什么人们喜欢照相?现在的照片多还是以前的相片多,为什么有些人不喜欢照相?

  8. 描述一个app(describe an app on mobile phone or computer)

Part 3 young and old people use the same app Should parent limit child use app? What app is popular in china? 你的app多吗,APP的教育功能?


  1. 描述一个高的建筑(describe a tall building)

  part3 你国家多吗、原因、喜欢、好坏、趋势。人们造房子的喜好和气候条件对人们造房子的影响,在中国人们是喜欢住在高层?

  2. 描述一个体育馆( describe a stadium in town . why important ?

  part3 体育问题

  3. 描述你最喜欢的家乡里某个地方( describe your favorite place in your hometown)

  part3 城市与乡村的比较等等…考官老太太很和蔼

  4. 描述一个你曾经去过的公园(describe a garden you have visited)

  part3 都是谁去garden ? 城市里garden 多了好么?

  5. 描述一个你经常去的地方(describe a place you often visit)

  6. 描述一个放松的地方(describe a place you can relax)

  part3  在中国放松的方式哪些?

  7. 描述你想拥有的一个小公司(a bit business what  whatneed why)

  part 3 about business相关问题


  8. 描述一个你想工作一段时间的国家(describe a foreign country you would like to work for a short time)

  part 3 出国的好处? 为啥出国?


  1. 描述一次早起的经历(describe a time you got up early)

  part3 什么人会早起,为什么很多人厌恶早起?在日本有早到的习惯,你怎么看?什么情况下早到不好?早起好吗?人们会选择早起吗?为什么有的人选择要早?

  arrived early in appointment:早到好吗?为什么?

  2. 描述你犯的一个错误(describe a mistake you made)

  part3 小孩子如何对待错误

  3. 描述一你人生的一积极变化(describe a positive change in your life,what,when,how)

  part3 科技发展在未来对工作的影响是啥?

  4.描述一个从小开始学习的技能(describe a skill you started to learn in your childhood)

  part3 小孩比成人更容易学习技能吗?为啥?如果成人也有像小孩一样多的时间能学好一项技能吗?

  5. 描述你收到的一个好消息的经历(describe a good news you received,when and where,what you did)

  part3 过去的新闻跟现在有啥区别?

  6. 描述你学习或工作后经常做的一个活动(describe an activity you usually do when your study or work end /describe an activity you do/did in school)

  part3 activities indoor or outdoor,how to release stress?

  7. 描述一个想乘车或骑车的旅行(describe a journey you would like to go with car/mortorbike/bike)

  part3 农村城市交通工具有何不同?城市交通最好的是什么?为什么买车的人越来越多?城市人行道像不像行车道修的那样?

  8.描述你想吃的一顿特殊饭(describe a special meal you would like to have,what is the meal,where,shared with whom?)

  part3 当地有什么好吃的饭店?饭店以后有什么发展?成功的饭店为什么会成功?以后会有机器人在做饭么?

  9. 描述一个你在空闲时间做的有趣的或者不同寻常的事(describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time)

  10. 描述一次你错过的约会(describe a time you missed an appointment)

  you should say:

  When and where it happened

  What the appointment was for

  What happened when you were missed it

  And explain how you felt about missing the appointment.

  11. 描述一个关于学习或娱乐的团队活动(describe a team project for study or entertainment)

  12. 描述一个东西能帮助你(save money /a method that helps you to save money)

  part3 你觉得是老师还是父母需要教小孩子攒钱,如何去鼓励小孩子攒钱?你觉得人们在日常生活中浪费钱的地方是什么?什么时候应该学会省钱?人们现在还省钱么,省钱重要吗?

  13. 描述童年时期的一个快乐的家庭事件(describe a happy family event in your childhood)

  part3 父母在家庭中的职责;只有一个小孩好不好?


  14. 描述你生气的一个经历(describe  situation that you got angry)

  part3 情感表达,中国男女谁更擅长表达情感?

  15. 描述你不喜欢的一个旅行(describe a short trip you disliked)

  16. 描述一个参加过的婚礼(a wedding you attended )

  part3 东西方婚礼啥区别?

  17. 描述和野生动物接触的一次经历(describe a time you saw an wild animal)

  part3 动物产品


  18. 描述你忙碌的一个时刻(describe a time you were busy)

  you should say :

  when was the time you were busy



  how do you deal with it .  

  part 3 do you think children in China are stressful?Do you think children learn more in playing than class?do you think students in high stress is unhappy?Do you think computer can replace human?the good and bad part in stressful job?

  19. 描述一个需要想象力想象的时刻 (describe a time you need imagination to imagine)


  part3 老师什么时候需要鼓励孩子想象,孩子玩什么东西的时候需要发挥想象力,哪个更需要想象力?看动画还是看书,为什么?

  五、媒体&娱乐类(Entertainment& Media & Others) (其它)

  1. 描述你感兴趣的一首歌(describe a song that you are interested in)

  2. 描述一个户外运动(describe an outdoor activity )

  3. 描述一个你们家乡的有趣的传统(describe an interesting tradition in your hometown)

  part3  the difference between life today and in the past the advantage and disadvantage of living a traditional life ?Do young people like traditional way of life?

  4. 描述你想学习的一个课程(describe a course you would learn if you had time)

  5. 描述健身方式(describe sth. You do to keep fit)

  part3 还有哪些运动可以keep fit?怎么教育小孩子健康的问题?成年人怎么样能知道自己的身体状况?健康检查应不应该免费?

  6. 描述你最喜欢的电影(describe your favorite movie )

  part3 中国人喜欢什么样式的电影?少女喜欢哪种,老人喜欢哪种?年轻人和老人有什么区别?西方电影和东方电影区别?投很多钱在做特效上有没有必要?

  7. 描述你喜欢的一个有点昂贵的体育(describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive)

  part3 你们国家流行的体育有啥?

  8. 描述你未来的一个目标(describe a goal in the future)

  part3 process and result,which one is more important ?


  9. 描述你读过的一个文章(describe an article)

  part3 中国人是否活的健康,怎么样更健康?你们国家的人爱diet吗,喜欢吃什么diet?国家的健康信息来自哪,健康信息会不会有不好的地方?

  10. 描述从报纸上或者杂志上看到一个新闻(describe a news on newspaper or magazine)

  part3 do you prefer magazine or newspaper ? what are their positive or negative impact on teenagers ? how many kinds of magazines in China ? do you think journalist on TV is more qualified than that in newspapers ?

  11.描述你最近看的一个广告(describe an ads you read recently)

  part3  流行通过什么途径做广告?广告一般如何吸引人,广告对小孩有影响么?为什么选择广告专业?毕业以后做什么,你认为中国的广告行业发展的怎么样?你认为为什么外国企业要进入中国市场?

  12. 描述你经常上的一个网站(describe a website you often visit)

  part3 上网让世界变得更好,上网带来好处比过去好哪里?你网上购物么?网上购物的好处?

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